I agree, Chaya. The A.A. program has so much to offer, including wonderful testimonies just like yours. It's only because of people like yourself that others have been given a chance at recovery.
As far as sobriety goes, well, let me put it to you this way: From the steps to the fellowship itself there's much to be grateful for. I'm given a chance that very few alcoholics will ever know, and for that I'm truly grateful. Thanks, again, for reminding me.
-- Edited by Mr_David on Wednesday 30th of October 2013 01:59:12 AM
This has been a tough year. In this first year of sobriety I lost my mom, changed careers, moved, and took in my niece. And I stayed sober no matter what. It wasnt always easy but if I could stay sober through all that I can stay sober no matter what. Newcomer--you can get sober and stay sober through anything. It is possible. The gifts of the program are extraordinary.
Thank you for your post. I am having a very hard time today. Had something bad happen last night and having to face all of the bad things I have done to my family.
I went to a meeting at 6:30 this morning before work and have since last Thursday. Feel like my life is spinning out of control.. The guilt is killing me inside. It is good for me to see that it can be done no matter what.
Hi Marie, ... No matter what happened last night or in the past, there's nothing so bad that a drink or a drug won't make it worse ... just stick with us and you'll learn the things we did to make everything 'right with the world' ... never give up on yourself, no matter what ... ... ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Nice post! So true are the gifts The Program has to offer. We need to stay sober and practice Spiritual Principles in all our affairs. God will do the rest. As far as guilt? We all come in with wreckage. That's a given. We all have the opportunity to mend the wreckage if we do the work- 12 Steps. It's by our actions, that we show others we have changed. Words are just words. We've all worn them out. I was told early on: if I stayed sober and worked The Program, even I couldn't screw things up. Things would get better. It keeps getting better and I'm very grateful for that.
Aloha Chaya and mahalo for the "what it is like now" message...you're right on and thanks much for allowing me to be on the sidelines watching. (((hugs)))
Welcome Chris, ... glad to have you here with us ... today IS all that counts ... just don't drink or drug and keep coming and sharing your thoughts and questions here ... we help each other to stay sober and 'enjoy' it ... ... ...
God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'