Have attended AA for over ten years grateful to feel I belong somewhere on this planet that is it he first thing I got from attending meetings hope came and then it was work with the support of fellow members. I need to remember recovery is a day at a time and renew gratitude on a daily basis. Lists of things I am grateful for put a stop to the old tapes of 'it's not fair'
Welcome Sabin...Looking forward to hearing more from you...I also got hope from attending meetings...And a new freedom and a new happiness from that work with the support of other members....What a deal...I'd say the best one in town....Glad to have you with us.
Thanks for posting, Sabin. Love your quote...
"I need to remember recovery is a day at a time and renew gratitude on a daily basis. Lists of things I am grateful for put a stop to the old tapes of 'it's not fair' ".
I have the same tapes going on in my mind, and find that the longer I am in AA and attending meetings, there are not as many of them :)