Just a quick update on my situation; in this case it was: no news is good news. Today is my 37th day of sobriety and (still) feeling better every day. I did have some hard times from now and then but still managed to stay sober. I have had some wonderful days: started working full time again and since long enjoying it again, spent some days shopping with my wife which was great fun too for the both of us.
My wife , who I adore as you might have noticed from previous posts , is willing to help me, help us and try to get things working again. I am a completely different person, I even surprise myself at some points about what I do and like. So for her it is all kind of strange too. I really hope she likes the new me.
But she has spoken some realy nice words too me like "We have all the time we need; I'm not going anywhere" and "I like what I got back since you stopped drinking". Those things keep me focused on one goal: Staying healthy the rest of my life and enjoying life as other people can.
thank you all for thinking about me, somehow this has given me enough strength to overcome the difficult moments!
Sounds like things are going pretty good, are you studying the Steps, understanding the 1st step, both parts, Reading the AA Book.
Since meetings are not available there where you live, have you thought about getting an on-line Sponsor, here on this MIP Board.
Just some questions, working the 12 step Program of AA, is like taking out a Big Insurance Policy on holding to the Good Stuff you are enjoying. (In my humble opinion) and of course if you can stay sober, without the 12 steps, just like it says in the AA Book, our hats are off to you.
I hope I am not out of line here, asking these questions, but they came to mind instantly, when I read how things are looking so much better. And Congrats. on 37 days.
Please stay in touch with us here, and again it is great to hear from you!!!!
Not drinking one day at a time is nothing short of a Miracle, eh?
Congratulations on 37 days! Congratulations to your wife too for the support that she has given you.
It's easy to love someone when everything is ok. Continuing to love someone in difficult times is the hard part. You obviously have a wife to be proud of.
Best wishes to you all
Bye for now
"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989"
Hi franklin. Congrats on 37 days, way to go. I'm very proud ...... I'm w/Toni on taking out the "insurance policy" AA tells us that the bottle is just a symptom of our ills, and the longer we are sober more will be revealed. It can be quite a doozie if you're not prepared for it...... please, think about taking out that policy for yourself and your family....... You are all worth it.
Keep on keeping on!
Love and hugs,
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *
I forgot to mention yesterday, that on page 2, under the Post titled "Links", Amanda listed several AA websites that you can just click onto, to several resources available to you.
I have done so, and have added several to my "Favorites".
@Toni baloney:Yes, I am studying the steps, taking it one day at the time. I realy hope to find a face 2 face group someday, but at this time the groups I checked are not 'my' groups, and I think it is just not the time for me yet to join them. Maybe later, not sure.And you are never out of line btw. Thanks for caring! and the link, I visited them and bookmarked some of them, great resources! (thanks Amanda). I think I am more an online guy for stuff like this, for the time being at least.
@chris: thanks! I hope it all goes well, your story about getting maried in a exotic place really motivates me to keep sober, to keep trying everyday to win my wifes love! please stay healthy!
@doll: I guess I am going to that time now: facing all the bad stuff I did when I was a drunk. I have made a list of things I want to 'correct' now. Not sure if all can be set straight, I try and hope I can. I try to fix one thing at the time, no priorities, just taking the time to try to make things better where possible.
Oh guys, You never gonna believe this: My wife tried to get me into Tango dancing for years, I even tried it once (2 years ago) and hated it. 'feel your soul' , 'feel the music going thru your body' , crap like that. Yesterday evening, there was another free trial lesson for beginners and yes: we went there again, same teachers, and we had a real good time. I actually enjoyed listening to my soul (didn't know I had one) and we signed up for a half year course! It was so romantic.
So very happy for you and your wife! You story is filled with hope and strength and courage! Thank you for checking in. I am so encouraged by your shares! Congrats on 37 going on 38 days! Just one day at a time!
Congratulation on your days of sobriety Franklin. Thanks for checking in.And Wow, learning the Tango...you go guy!
I hope you can find a face to face soon. I was told to go to at least 6 meetings before I decided if I liked that group or not ... you never know what might be said in meeting 4 that is something that will be just for you...I can't make a decision without a little research.A male sponsor will be of a great benefit to you.
H.O.W.- Honesty, Openminded, Willingness...that how AA works.
Have a great sober 24 and keep doing what your doing, one day at a time.
And i agree with the above, you are very inspirational.
When you said you were making some lists, I thought of a book I used to get thru the 12 steps the first time around that became a great asset in my recovery. The book is called "A gentle Path thru the 12 steps" you can purchase it here on this site, in the book store. It takes you on your journey, it is a very thorough work book, that to me is and was so very helpful.