This is the best quote I got from my private messages! (about following the 12 steps etc.) as it was a `private' message, I'll not disclose the sender, but I think you know who it was <grin>
anyways, for everyone here just reading the forum just like before BEFORE quiting:
that is why i see god as so basic...i mean WHY would he make the path to him/her/it complicated??? in my "newbie" days i made EVERYTHING complicated...a hassle...that is what i love about this program....."keep it simple" cuz it IS!!!!! thanks for this....i need this little reminder......
Reminds me... it is said that 'God is Love'... that is simple... and all we have to do is Love God, neighbor and self,,,, that is simple.... but it shore ain't easy, is it?
love in recovery,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
Admitting that I was an alcoholic was not so hard. Accepting it was extremely hard. Finally accepting without reservation, made it easier to go on with the next steps.
Accepting that there was a Power greater than myself, and that I was not master of my fate, was hard.
Accepting God's love and grace, made life's trivial upsets easier to take.