The camel each day goes twice to his knees He picks up his load with the greatest of ease. He walks through the day with his head held high And stays for that day completely dry.
In the morning, the camel kneels down, and the camel-driver puts on his burden.
Then the camel kneels down in the evening and the camel-driver unloads his burden.
It's the same with prayer: in the morning we get on our knees. God gives us just the load we are able to carry that day. At night we get on our knees to unload our burdens.
The camel is one of the original AA symbols of hope. Like the camel, we, in Alcoholics Anonymous go “One Day At a Time” without a drink.
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *
Love this one, we do surrender to the work before us, do the work, to the best our our ability, and surrender that work back each night, to God. Go to sleep, wake to a new day, and will do what we need to do to sustain us within the guidelines of the tools we have been given, to have a productive day,turn the work back over to our higher Power, in Prayer, and then do it again.
Thank you, I love the symbolism of this one, Have a good 24 hours,
Love Toni
P.S. To all my friends back East, it is not snowing here in California, but has turned very, very cold.