"My greatest limitations," a member said, "are in my mind." Until I came to this group, I wasn't even aware that many of the negative circumstances in my life were the direct result of my distorted attitudes.
I brought myself a lot of unnecessary misery by thinking it was my responsibility to manage and direct other people's lives. I believed it was solely up to me to make everyone else happy and secure. So I continually placed everyone else's needs first until I didn't know who I was or what I needed for my own happiness and comfort. It's exhausting and insane to try to second-guess everyone. Not only that, it doesn't give me or anyone else credit for being able to think, feel, or act for ourselves.
Today I will not manage or direct other people's lives, nor will I expect any other human being to fill my inner emptiness. I have the dignity, resources, and responsibility to fulfill my own life just as others have theirs.I will find my own sources of comfort, joy, and peace no matter what others do with their lives and free choices.
It has been alot of self restraint for me these past few months in understanding that.
I left a situation so i could meet my own needs and I have not tried to control situations. This was so different than what i used to do but very rewarding in alot of ways...it's made me a stronger person.
Its been different to try to be happy than to try to be right and in turn I have been able to accomplish things rather than to complicate it. I can see where i need improvement but over all I can say that it is so much easier than 'my way'.
I have run through in my mind "If I had reacted...I could have seriously messed me up" and played it out and thank God that i just did the next right thing and let it go....ya know.
life is so much easier this way even though it is alot of work for this alcoholic especially when i am in alot of pain....but i can live with myself and that is all I really need to concern myself with today....
just got to be able to live with me truthfully and know i have made all the effort possible in the situation to do my part in being part of the solution and not the problem.
Thanks for the share it's exactly what I keep trying to practice and reminding myself BEFORE I DO ANYTHING. practice, practice, practice....
armed with the twelve steps all things are possible