just a little update on my little stuggles I was having getting back into the feeling of belonging when I would go to an AA Meeting: The list was something like this: didn't know anyone, people were not very friendly, did not feel like I fit in, meeting was too clickey, what else? can't remember the other reasons I was not enjoying the meetings I was going to.(All my BS)
Then I had that scare over the week-end about that dehydrated Alcohol, it passed and got resolved, and then , what happened was: Bam, I Got It!
That's what it took for me to get my head straightened out about going to AA Meetings, I have had the comfort of being in a fellowship back home that was so great, loved the meetings knew hundreds of people, had a very strong knit sense on comradary. and then when I moved, i lost it.
This last week-end was a great teacher to Me, Felt it knocked some common sense into this hard head of mine. Meetings are so simply, we go and keeping going to create a fellowship of our own, keep going back, for the same reason, We do not Want to ever return to drinking.
i was guilty of comparing others outsides to my insides. Missing the point COMPLETLY. Found a wonderful, very mellow woman, that, when I told her I thought I needed a sponsor, said she had 24 years in AA., and thought maybe what I needed was just a buddy to go and find some meetings with. We drove into the city, into a little packed resturant. sat through a Fantastic meeting and then came home. Told me she would like to show me some meetings that are a little further away, that she really likes, so we have very open ended plans to do that in the next two weeks. I feel so so good inside. I MADE IT BACK to the Program I love, the Program that saved my life.
When i joined MIP a few weeks ago, there was so much fellowship here, support and love, it was the encouagement I needed to keep going - (I knew inside the problem was me with my attitude). And this day has finally come.
Just wanted to share a very Positive moment with you all,