Thought I'd share some lines from one of my favorite songs, with all of you on this New Year's Eve.
"Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me......
I once was lost, but now, I'm found....
I was blind, but now, I see."
I used to lose all kinds of things during my drinking keys, car keys, where I'd left my car in the parking lot, money, etc....amazing how none of that seems to be happening while I am staying sober, one day at a time!
You know, it just occurred to me today that I have found something else pretty important that I had lost when I was dignity.
I truly believe that it was grace that led me to find this site. May that same grace come to all of you throughout the coming year bringing serenity and sobriety, peace and love.
It's not a hym but I really like this one and I hope never to forget
"When you've been through hell Played with fire Watched the devil dance You thank the Lord for each morning For one more second chance You might outrun your demons You might get on with your life But you never forget what the flames feel like"
-- Edited by Doll at 00:48, 2006-01-01
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *
Thank you, that is one of my favorite songs too. have you ever heard it sung by Jesse Norman. My favorite version.
Thanks for your support in Recovery, I am not new to the Program, but moved to a new area, then last month lost my Beloved little Persian Cat. She alway took away the Sharp Edges to living alone. Was having a hard time with the first part, and when she died, suddenly with Cancer, I not only felt alone and Very Sad and Depressed. I had been doing some Very intense Praying up to God. Speaking for myself I do not mind living alone , but when I lost my little Comfort friend, the lonliness really came in Big Time.
My philosophy has been just like that old Beattles song, "Get by with a little help from my friends", but because I was living in a new envirourment, I only had friends to talk to long distance. It was getting pretty painful. My Prayers were answered when I stumbeld onto this Forum. Within a few days, I could feel the healing power of making friends here. Along with Grace, I once again was Amazed at the Power of Prayer. It really does work.
Nice to meet you and also really enjoy your Posts.