I was just wanting to see an average of, how long some might have drank and how much on average. I am trying to see were I fit in to this group... Thank you and sorry for the question.. I just am curious... Thanks all James
P.s I tried the AA Chat no luck tonight..No one on??? GOD Bless
I just posted to your Second Post. There really is no simple answer. Some people in Recover stop drinking in their 20s, others, in their 30s, same for 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, Really we are a very mixed group. But when we sit down at a meeting, and begin talking to each other there are no differences between us, just one common goal, to help the Alcoholic that still suffer.
I don't use the chatroom, as I don't have DSL, and my phone modem is slow (and costly if I stay online for too long).
I started drinking when I was 19, only going out and drinking a 6 pack one night a week, cause that was all my college buddies and I could afford back then. I started drinking more often after I got married and left college, and started the 8 to 5 routine.
I never thought about controlling my drinking for the first 20 years of drinking, as I never got into trouble because of the drinking, could count on one hand the number of times I got stumbling, mumbling drunk, and would regularly have days or weeks of abstinence without effort. However, I gradually built up a tolerance, as well as a dependance, from around the age of 40 until today.
I had one year of sobriety, while attending court mandated AA meetings, about 9 years ago, at age 45, then went back to my old pattern. I started having more and more internal complaints, particularly with an abnormal heart beat, then last year with pains in my liver area.
I tried changing my pattern, and my pace, but knew then, as I do now, that complete abstinence was my only hope.
My father was nearly a tea-totaler, drinking only one or two drinks, on extremely rare occasions, and he lived to be 83. I am now 54, and praying that I may have stopped soon enough to buy myself 10 (or by the grace of God, maybe 20) more years. Either way, I know that whatever life I have left can improve in quality and quantity, ONLY if I adhere to this program of complete sobriety.
Wishing you a life that is abundant with peace, tranquility, and love,
I guess I drank pretty much all my life. The first time I got drunk I was 6. I'm 39 now and have a little over 4 months soberiety. Used to get a "sip" of grandparents beer etc over the next 7 yrs, then got drunk again at 13, that went from every couple of months to monthly to weekends, then to whenever I could by the time I was of legal age. I would drink as much as I could consume before passing out, some days that would be a 6 pack and some days it would be a couple cases of beer, plus whatever else was around. It averaged approx 2-4 times a week over the last 10 yrs.
How much and how long doesn't matter. Everyone is unique in that respect. What does matter is the fact that when you start you can't stop and how alcohol affects your life .
Hang on.
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *
Thanks alot Dan your story is a blessing to here ..I know God will give you.years of happiness for the blessings you give to people like me..when we read your story ..thanks..
Doll ..Thank you... Everything helps right now... I appreciate any response I can get at this point.... I am going to turn in for the night .. May that blessing be upon all of you tonight....James_Dean....tx
James, I've read your other posts , welcome to the board, I'm glad you are here. Ask all the questions you need to ask, someone will respond.You can get sober , just have to work a program one day at a time.
I 'm like Doll, I drank from the time I was a baby, if Dad or Grandpa were drinking I got a sip. I started the the more serious drinking when I was 12 years old, drinking anything and everything I could get my hands on. Vodka was my drink of choice though. I drank until I turned 30, I was blacking out, and having some health problems. I have now been sober for over 20 years and it's only by the grace of God and AA I know when I first stopped drinking the Drs. said my liver enzymes were elevated and then, as the years have passed those have straightened out.I still have problems, but I'm alive, sober and very grateful today.
hey james started drinking when iwas in teen years and progress to more then a case of beer a daythe last 10 years, i am 45 yrs old now , my body was sore but is recovering, this is the first sober christmas since. ive been sober since jan 15 2005 take care wagon
Hi James. Just welcoming you...to the board also...and our AA recovery boat...
Grab an oar ehh? and help us row this damned thing..one day at a time....:)
King Alcohol and I were divorced after..30 years...I miss him--but he was abusive.and controlling.....and took houses..furniture..all my money..loved ones..and my life with him...
Love and detach thing......too many bruises..
You have a good day...Buddy..
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..
I started drinking at the age of 12. By the time I was 17 I was drinking at least 20 drinks a night. I slowed down or my tollerance level went down at the age of 21. By the time I was 24 I needed a detox and a rehab. I started to see things. I was sober for 6 years and went back out. I'm now 42 and have been sober 16 months. My level of drinking went way down to where I could only drink 2-4 drinks a night and that was enough to get me drunk and sluring my words. I would stumble even if I was not drinking. I never had a black out unfortunaly. I remebered everything I did or had happen to me. Not pretty! My drink of choice was beer.
Everyone is differnt when it comes to tollerance and drinking,we only identify,not compair or I would justify why I could drink again being I have never had DWI,or arrest or a black out. If I keep in mind that we all are different,but have one thing in mind and that is to keep from drinking again, I'll stay sober today.