I did it again!! I drank and I got drunk. I'm totally miserable today.I feel sick,I'm depressed and embarrassed. I just want to crawl in a big cave and stay there! Hopefully I can find lots of friends here that will keep me from being so bored and lonely than I might can stay sober.
May I suggest , instead of sitting alone, that you could make a live meeting. There you could discuss what happened and where you stopped working the program. Afterwards, a few other women might possibly care to join you for coffee. There you could listen to their stories, learn from their setbacks, and not be alone or bored.
All the best to you and thank you for helping me stay sober, Chris B.
The fellowship of AA is one aspect of the program, but fellowship alone is not the program or what keeps us from being bored and lonely. We are here because we have in common that we are all learning and working the AA 12 Step program together. I agree with Chris's suggestion to find a face2face meeting near you to go to and find fellowship and start your recovery journey,,, and keep coming here too.
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
hi, yes come in here as often as u like,great people to share with.as you make your recovery your feeling will change,it does get better god bless wagon