It is impossible to overemphasize the immense need humans have to be really listened to, to be taken seriously, to be understood. --Dr. Paul Tournier, M.D.
We need assurance that our presence has value to the lives of those around us at home, work, and play. Our self worth should not be solely tied to someone else's attention to us or love for us; however, our personal being is validated and thus enhanced each time we have evidence of being fully listened to.Just as we hunger for attention and validation, so do the many people sharing our travels at this time. And sadly, we're rushing through our experiences not very attentive to either the events or the persons who have engaged our involvement.The choice to slow down, to honor the flowers, the children, the loud and silent moments of the day, is ours. It's an _expression of love for life, for ourselves and everyone we encounter, if we take a moment to look and listen with our full being.Each aspect of life is enriched when honored by a listening heart. Let's cherish the golden rule.
######ROSIE.....oh yeah, B4 recovery i felt i had NO value, not even to god.....i was SURE he hated me too, Bcuz of my deep rooted belief that i was a "born failure" as i as told all my life, so how could god love me??? .......i mean i was programmed to believe that i was a TOTAL reject and so i had NO sense of self value, or value from others....and i sold my soul in my craving/ quest to be be be approved of... self worth was always tied to another....i HAD to look outside of me....the inside was just too bad to look at.....i lived in the EXternal, and so i looked ALWAYS outside of me for my love/ rescue/ sense of value/ approval/ i mean yes, i desire the love/validation of others, but i know it HAS to "begin with me"
########ROSIE....i am beginning to hunger for attention and validation...the healthy kind.....and i too, sometimes get caught up in my "rush to recovery" i too can ben inattentive to events or people around me........i tell myself to SLOW down....CALM down......
######ROSIE......everything to me is a MAD rush........i could make love, double parked, and not even get a ticket!!! thats sad!!!! i need to SLOW down and smell the flowers.....quit being so "frantic" about life...when i "mellow it" and stop and slow/calm down i AM happier...i AM more at peace...i CAN notice neat things.......
#######ROSIE....this is a GREAT reminder for me to SLOW it down!!!! "EASY does it"....thank you DONE
Thanks Rosie, The programs helped me so much in slowing down, taking time to listen to others, not just what they are saying , how they are saying it...and to just listen, not try to fix them or the problem. Just give my time. And to Breathe...
I was standing in line in the supermarket the day before Thanksgiving, I was just relaxing, kind of meditating, content, not in a rush, taking it easy...then the assistant manager of the store, comes up and just shoves my basket forward, almost hitting the lady in front of me. He said ,"We got to keep things moving!"I said" Hey, this is the first chance I've had to relax all day. I'll go to the back of the line." You know I was a manager of a store once upon a time, I understand , profits, but you know, I don't like , pushy or rude, especially from sober people.
Have a great sober day, take time to listen and to smell the evergreen in the air.