It seems I don't hear the slogans as much I use to at meetings.The meetings I go to are in churches , so they aren't hanging on the wall like they do in clubs.Here are a few that saved my life....what are some of yours?
Easy Does It....I didn't know how to do anything the soft way, the easy way, I was the queen of making everything difficult...even sobriety...I would work so hard at staying sober, concentrate on it continually, found out I didn't have to work so hard at it. Which leads to...
KISS-Keep it Simple Stupid ....Again I would over analyze every thing in my life, why, why not, shouldn't I do it this way, but if we did it this way, the results would be such and such...Breathe!
Let Go And Let God...When I hand it to God, whatever it is, He always hands me my part back, so I do my footwork.
One Day at a Time... All I have is today, yesterdays gone... tomorrow may not I will not worry about those days...and I will not take a drink today.
Easy Does It....I didn't know how to do anything the soft way, the easy way, I was the queen of making everything difficult...even sobriety...I would work so hard at staying sober, concentrate on it continually, found out I didn't have to work so hard at it. Which leads to...
###ROSIE....oh me 2...i fought/ forced/ pushed is my "control freak* nature....fearful that if i dont *force it* nothing will happen....i am getting rid of this defect one piece at a time....
KISS-Keep it Simple Stupid ....Again I would over analyze every thing in my life, why, why not, shouldn't I do it this way, but if we did it this way, the results would be such and such...
####ROSIE....yep, had to know ALL the *ins and outs* of everything, so fearful of just *following my inner self* had to disect everything, fearful of screwing up, when all i need to do is RELAX... RELEASE...*easy does it* and answer comes.....i am progressing
Breathe! Let Go And Let God...When I hand it to God, whatever it is, He always hands me my part back, so I do my footwork. One Day at a Time... All I have is today, yesterdays gone... tomorrow may not I will not worry about those days...and I will not take a drink today.:
#####ROSIE...oh yeah, i would literally HOLD my i ask my higher self to *enable* me to RELEASE me from the karma, and take my hands OFF....LISTEN for answer/ or what is MY part in project.... GR8 post, ((((gammy))))))) see ya/ rosie
smile: (((Hugs))) GammyRose -- Edited by GammyRose at 11:25, 2005-12-08
...Don't give up 5 minutes before the miracle happens...For me, this has always meant that I must keep trying, cause I don't know what God has in store for me.
...If I can get sober, then anyone can...being the typical alcoholic, I felt I was unique in every way. I thought I was justified in my drinking. Listening to the stories of others reminds me that I am just like everyone else, and if they can stay sober, so can I.
...KISS...This is the name of my first home group, so every time someone says Keep it Simple, I add stupid to the end of it and think of my AA family.
I hear alot of the same things being said at different meetings in different regions...guess the message truly is the same worldwide. And for that I am grateful.
This is great , I love the way ya'll explained some, I liked Wendy's KISS - Keep It Serenely Simple, I've also heard Keep it Simple Sweetie, that from the old guys. A few more...
H.O.W. - How it works - Honesty, Openminded, Willing -I had to get honest with myself before I could get honest with ya'll, it took awhile....the program has taught me not to judge anyone else, to listen to what they feel and believe,take what I like and leave the rest, respect their right to their feelings.... and I have to be willing to show up , take action or be still, I have to want what ya'll have so I can stay sober.
This Too Shall Pass -Not only will the bad times pass, I'll get through them with the help of God and the group, but the good times will pass, each day is new, so embrace the good times, don't take them for granted, cherish them.
Progress not Perfection - Yep, if I thought I couldn't do it perfect, I didn't want to do it at all... very insecure. It was so freeing to let go of the perfect idea, and just try to become who God wants me to be, and I am still a work in progress, I learn something new everyday , much of it from you guys.