Hi to all. Just got back from a shopping trip with wife. She wanted to hit the malls this weekend, and, for us, that means at least a 1 and 1/2 hour drive one way. Christmas shopping, ya know.
Hey Phil, sorry I missed your reply earlier this morning, but was already on the road. Things on this end are probably not a lot different than yours, except we haven't had the amount of snow that's been falling east of here. Did have -6 below zero farenheit this morning, sounds even chillier when you say it in Celcius (-21). Actually pretty average for North Dakota this time of year.
I always have to be particularly on guard on those shopping trips, as it was always one of my favorite ways to sneak drinks on my little co-dependant during my drinking days--just turn her loose in a big discount store, tell her I would be in sporting goods or the hardware section, then hotfoot it to the nearest bar, slam a couple back, bolt back to the store, and make it just in time to be nonchalantly browsing through fishing gear or golf balls when she came looking for me. Then on to the next store for a repeat! Holy Crap! How's that for insanity?!?
Funny, how I can now actually enjoy myself, just actually strolling through those departments these days, and not having to figure how much time it would take me to get out and back without her catching me.
Good tu hear from yu Bud..and yupper...its a hell of a lot colder where you are.......likely drier too hu?
With the temps holding bout 32 F --weve been dumped on.. but good...if it was colder ..there wouldnt be as much..also.. being in the middle of the Great Lakes.. doesnt help....but when the goin gets tough--the tough go south???
We wish...
Had to laugh at the alky antics...you shared...aint it the truth..Thats a lotta hard work. hahaha
You have a great weekend eh??? All the Best.
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..
Ah, yes! I remember that! The stinkin' thinkin' always lead me to sneakin' drinkin' !
Feels awesome not to be on that road anymore.........For me, playing the tape all the way to end is a great way of staying sober one more day. Thanks for the reminder, Dan.
Hugs, Doll
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *
yeah, 'playing the tape to the end'. I forgot to do that a couple of times,, like last Christmas. I remembered how good the wine tasted, and the warm glow I get.. I forgot the end tho,, so I did take some ,, and guess what.... the tape played out in a reenactment of a very maudlin time,, yuckkk. If we don't play the tape we get a reenactment? This year I'm remembering it all the way through,,, from the pleasant first sip to the last crying unable to function embarrassing end, and am not planning on a reenactment.
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time