Thursday, December 1, 2005 Anxiety As soon as anxiety gets your attention, its job is done. From that point on, there is no good reason to maintain that anxiety.
Anxiety can be useful in making you aware of actions that need to be taken. As soon as you have that awareness, anxiety has served its purpose.
After that, give your energy to the positive action and not to the anxiety. Undertake to correct the problem and not to helplessly obsess over it.
It is good and useful that anxiety can get your attention. Yet it serves no positive purpose for anxiety to overwhelm your thinking.
The moment you feel anxiety, look for, and begin to execute, a positive course of action. Quickly choose to let go of that anxiety, for it is of no use to you now.
Anxiety never needs to weigh you down. Let it come, let it have its say, and quickly let it go as you take action to move forward.
-- Ralph Marston
Had a bit of a scare last night,,,if it ain't one daughter its the other...guess she got her report card and it wasn't too she hid it from her dad...she was at my apartment last night, course i was at work. Her and her dad had made arrangements for her to be picked up at 9 pm...i didn't know this. Call home...she was dropped off the community center to hang with her friends. Apparently was hiding in the bathroom when he went there to look for her. i get a call at work from her dad and he's furious. We don't find her till 11 pm. She was with my oldest daughter. Needless to say she dodged him all night. He plans on keeping her from sleeping at my place during the week. Punishment is to keep her from me. He says i am not allowed to go talk to her teacher as it's none of my business as he is her 'gaurdian'. What about father??? Just her 'gaurdian'??
I seriously thought about a drink last night on the way home from work. Good thing i didn't have any money only my uncashed paycheck or i would have stopoped at the pub!!!!!!
well i told him on the phone to just go home and pick her up tomorrow(today) after school. Finally talked him in to it. He was in too much of a state to see her last night!!!
When she got home i told her i wasn't impressed in the least, to get to bed. Seems nothing i say to my girls matters much these days. Amy my oldest seems to have taken it upon herself to pretty much drop out of shcool...with intentions to pick it back up next semester,....
Thank G*d i didn't have cash for that drink last doubt i'd be feeling really shitty right now...
i'm off to another day of working. Speaking of anxiety...with christmas just around the corner i'm starting to stress somewhat about it all. So much money....i have no decorations in store even. Pretty much have to start from scratch. Seems my plate is pretty full at the moment. Feeling somewhat helpless.
Thanks for letting me share, have a great sober day
Wendy, you are in my prayers everyday! I know it sounds corny, but remember that nothing is ever so bad that you can't get through it without drinking. When you wake up tommorrow remember that each day is a new one to do with as you can and you will get through this...just keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep walking. It will get better...not in our time but in God's. And while it's rough, remember that lots of people love you and are thinking of you.
Wendy, Good for you for not taking that drink, I think God,Higher Power, was with you. Maybe the prayers that Cheri,myself and I know others are praying too, are working.
As for the your daughters, I had many wise people remind me that when children reach a certain age, there just is so much you can control. I was upset when my 19 year old son didn't go back to college this semester, and I remember when my daughter moved to another town her Sr. year, worked , got her diploma, and got married . Not at all what I wanted, but I've heard they are living their story not mine. Let go ,let God,you do the footwork, take care of you, and number one, don't drink, it won't fix a thing...
I know you already know all this , just reminding myself. You are in my prayers aways.
teenagers!! that 'inbetween age'. that was soooo difficult for me, as my own experience as a teenager was to be in a very dysfunctional family, which didn't help me,, no role modeling to know how to handle my child later on. It was 'in-service' training for me. It sounds like your ex is being rather dysfunctional also. What a bind for the children. Are the children in something like alateen? I can understand the fear of showing a parent a bad report card,, and I guess hiding was the only coping thing she could think of. Is family counseling a possibility?
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time