Many of us understand God in terms of a father, one on whom we can rely no matter what the situation. Our biological father may have been a tyrant or a pal, remote or accessible, firm or weak. However much we loved him and depended on him, he was only a person and not infallible.For recovery from compulsive overeating, we need a source of strength to which we may turn in any emergency. We require a Power to lean on through the minor ups and downs of every day. Though our families and friends support us, their assistance is not enough. They can provide neither the control nor the sustenance, which we need in order to recover from our illness.The firm, unfailing guidance which we require comes from our Higher Power. If we are willing to again become as children and cast ourselves on God without reservation, we shall receive His support. It is His Power that frees us from our false dependency on food.
########ROSIE.......oh "yuck" not me.....i cannot even think of my HP as a "father"....that word , of course, would be a trigger for me.....the concept of a "father" God does not work for sperm donar is the cause of that.....its ok now....after searching/ working through my INTENSE emotions of outrage and grief, i have "worked around it" by being honest about it/ open about it/ WILLING to find my HP AS i can A---understand it......B---as i can accept it.......i did what works for me!!!!!!..........MY god, i had to look WITHIN in me for.....i pray to that part of God that is WITHIN me.........the "source or creator" and Jesus are corporate!!!!! they are busy with the universal scheme of i pray to that part of the source/creator and son that is WITHIN OWN personal relationship with my HP, or Christ higher self....i call it lots of names, but it is within me.....i am a child of the universe adn a part of the universal creator is WITHIN me...... i have made the committment to turn me/ my will/ my life/ my EVERY affairs over to my HP within......i feel good about this.......i feel as though i am not alone anymore.....i had a peaceful holiday, even tho i had the flu, i was at peace, communicating with my HP....being loved/ and calmed by my HP.....i feel a new sense of dedication to me/ my care/ doing all i can to do MY part b4 i turn it over to my HP........i can take my hands off, and feel my HP come in to help sig others , though they love me/ support me/ assist me/ care for me....they are human/ IMperfect and feet of clay as mine are....they are not enough......they cannot provide me with the inner peace and serenity that my HP can...they cannot help me realize my hopes and dreams as my HP can......they cannot cleanse the negativity from my karma as my HP can......they can do much, but my HP is limitless in what he/she/it can do for long as i do what i my honest/ open/ HP can fullfill my needs......i am a child of the universe.....i cast my entire self on my HP within..........i am dependent on my HP within!!!!!!!!
I have always believed in God the Father - the One who created Heaven and earth and sent His son to die for my sins. I'm so grateful for that today, as I see so many struggle with the spiritual part of AA and that is one less hurdle for me to have to contend with.
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *
My God is God! No more no less. I had a very domineering, vengefull, spitefull and abusive mother. I was allowed no privacy emotionally, mentally or physically. My closet ghosts chased me through 22 and 18 years of getting sober and abstinent. After fighting the deep seated and tormenting resentments by chance I was led to a booklet on the RBC website called " When Trust is Lost!" Since reading that and going into counselling, something I was sure I would never do, the last two years have been bliss. I've been able to let go in a way I never thought possible. Can't thank my God enough.