No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born. DALE TURNER When we were kids, we had big dreams of what we would do when we grew up. Some of us feel sad when we compare the big plans we used to have to the real place we find ourselves in today. In some ways, our dreams got smaller and smaller through the months and years of our active addiction.The good news is this: It's never too late to dream bigger dreams, just like it's never too late to get sober. If we are willing to do the work we need to do to get sober and the work we need to do to stay sober, we have what it takes to make new dreams come true. .....PRAYER FOR THE DAY ....Higher Power, feed my dreams by showing me Your will for me. You gave me talents and a purpose in life. Put them in my dreams and help me get there.
#####ROSIE....i am excited!!!! i have FINALLY become WILLING and NOW ready to , no bulls*** behind it, give ME over to my Higher power.......i am giving myself the greatest of gifts....early Xmas present....the presentation of me/ my ego/ my will/ my life/ my ME over to my Higher Power, my Christ within me........and it is exciting.....i have already have had a few "tests" things would seemingly "resist" me and i LITERALLY as a practice put my *hands to the sky*.......took my hands OFF......and by doing that i was able to STOP......release.......allow time for my HP to *take over*..........i had big dreams too.....and they were destroyed for the time being by a monster.....but now???? TODAY is a new day!!!!!! TODAY i am in the care and loving protection and providence of my Higher Power........i came to look WITHIN me for my is that part of the source that resides WITHIN OWN personal "piece" of the has been there all this time ITCHING to love me/ care for me/ guide me/ provide me my needs and wants/ do things that serve my best interests.......i know i must PRACTICE this but i had the BEST of experiences the other night.....i did my deep breathing and chanting to relax me and enable me to tap into my HP, and i LITERALLY felt myself in "someone's arms" holding me.....i FELT was the most calming , peaceful help my sub-mind accept this and process this, i do my affirmations to this effect in the morning and me once shattered dreams CAN come alive and be once shattered ability to trust in anything CAN be once shattered sense of self CAN be CAN happen for CAN happen for me.....i feel renewed.....i feel like there is REAL good energy being processed around me/ for me/ i am making GOOD karma now with my heart felt decision to REALLY " give me over...ALL of me" to my Higher Power within............thank you DONE