One day at a time, taking it easy….how do if I know I’m doing it right?
Squeezed the crap out of the old tube…..all gunky & gross!!! It’s just gross!!!!
So I bought a new tube a couple of weeks ago at the local dollar store.
When I went to brush my teeth that night, I opened the box, took the top off and squeezed it onto my toothbrush—I made a resolution to keep this one clean. I’m not gonna let it get gunked up or leave the top off. I’ve been very diligent with this new little habit I adopted with a new tube.
This morning, the top was loose...
I looked at myself in the mirror & scolded myself in a sarcastic voice “now, Christine, this is how it all starts. First you leave the top off, the next time it will have gunk…then it’s all downhill from there. NIP IT IN THE BUD NOW!”
Absolute, fantastic senario of the toothpaste. I have found that all of my change has come from the little daily choices that I make. The choices then become a habit, and then in turn, it becomes my character.
I am blown away with the toothpaste. That is such an easy example. I am going to take this back to my home group. Thank you for passing it on!