is there anyway you can look up meetsing on the compter. I need to find one. im getting bad again about drinking and need to go to a meeting please help me
Can't help with computer but if you call the hospital in your area they may have a listing of meetings or some contact numbers of AA members in your area.
In larger metro areas there may also be an AA hotline # listed in your phone book.
If you look in your phone book, our freind....under AA will get the number for the AA answering service..who will in turn either, return your call.....or if you get person..will gladly give you a list of meetings in your area.
I have also went on a computer..for different areas..cities, and towns..and just typed in ..for example.."AA meetings, New York" and found what I was looking for...that way...
Hope that helps.:)
Please feel free to also, share with us here....great share experience, strength and hope...with each sobriety.
Let us you make out:) Phil
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..
Try going to google and punching in AA meeting list and then type in wherever you live. Here in Boston we have all the meetings posted on line. If that doesn't work, do as the others suggested. Hopefully, you already have. Believe me, it is well worth it! Hang in there!