Today is November 24, 2005 A Great Day for Recovery!
"If we are not ashamed to think it, we should not be ashamed to say it." -- Marcus Tullius Cicero
I was afraid to tell you what I was thinking. I was afraid to speak or be noticed. I sat for hours silent and at times I wished I could vanish into the furniture. I was afraid of my shadow.
This reveals not only my lack of confidence but my low self-esteem. I did not think I had anything to say, anything to offer, anything that might be considered interesting. I would laugh at stupid things to please people.
Today I speak out. I do not hide what I am thinking. I believe I have something to offer in the celebration of life. And it feels good. My spiritual growth is proportionate to my willingness to let you know who I am and what I think.
I celebrate my joy in living by sharing it.
Friday, November 25, 2005 Patience and understanding
Here's something to keep in mind as you go through this hectic day. The person who benefits most from your patience is you.
Yes, you'll come across many people who are rude, annoying and self-centered. But does it really serve any positive purpose for you to sink to their depths of negativity?
Instead, take the opportunity to rise to a higher level of peacefulness and understanding. Take the opportunity to practice and strengthen your patience.
Patience and understanding will take you to places where anger, frustration, confusion and anxiety can never reach. Patience and understanding put you in a position of real power and effectiveness.
Practice patience, and you will build real strength. Live with patience and understanding, and a whole new world of valuable opportunities will open up to you.
There's nothing to be gained by reacting to rudeness and anxiety with more rudeness and anxiety of your own making. Respond instead with patience and understanding, and you'll make your world a much better place.
Thanks Wendy, Two great shares. The first one reminds me where I came from , I had always been so afraid to share with other, that was until I had a few drinks.The first meeting I shared at , I was shaking so bad and I felt I made a fool of myself...but many people afterward told me they were glad I'd shared and it would get easier. It has...
As for patience, that is one virtue that I'm still working on, I've come a long way though. You know how it's always said "don't pray for patience", well, I pray for it and I don't believe my God "Zaps" me with trouble when I do. I feel whatever was going to happen , was aready in the making and most times I have the patience to deal with it. I'm just like most of us "I want what I want and want it now."That goes for wanting people to do, act, say what I feel is right....hmmmm. Very unrealistic.