i rescued this ancient 13 yr. old doggie, do a good deed, rescue the poor little thing from being euthanized and i take her home last eve....they said she was outside dog, so i was going to just let her be outside when the weather is good and slowly intro her to being inside.....
i make a nest for her in her crate, good dog food, treats, toys, etc, fresh water, and she had a GR8 night...i get up this am, play with her abit, make sure she has plenty of food, water, and i leave for work....
i come home tonight and she is GONE!!!! i can't figure out how she got out..the only thing i can figure is she wriggled under the fence and she had to FIGHT to get out......
well i drove around neighborhood for 2 hours cursing and yelling and screaming "thank you hp for yet ANOTHER blessing"...i was sooo angry!!!! frantically looking for her, and finally i came home and of course the feelings were in 5th gear!!!! , i vented/ ranted and raved and cursed my latest of "blessings"....than FINALLY when i was out of breath, i said STOP.....rosie what are you doing to yourself????? and i breathed in and i just said "i am DONE with this"......and i decided to lock up the garage, no more looking, no more trying.....TAKE CARE OF ME!!! so i did a med cuz i was so frantic....so UNserene, i did a med, and i drew the nicest and bubbliest bath i could make and i pampered me and decided that i am going to "let it go".....i think the dog is an "escaper" and to pursue this would set me up for MORE disappointment...MORE unrest.....either i would not find her and be sick again....or find her, she escapes again, and here i am in the same merry go round.....i am not going there...i want to do as much good as i can for the universe, but not when it costs me my peace!!!! i come first!!! and i did NOT drink!!! i did an anti anxiety med, but NO alcohol...i am NOT going to let this wreck my holiday!!!!
the three labs i have, my own dogs??? i could't blast them out of here...i could leave the doors wide open, and they want to stay, cuz they are MINE!!! this little gal obviously didn't want me...so she left...and i am letting her go....18 months ago, i would be in my truck ALL night, looking and crying for this rescue doggie i tried to help.......now???? i will rescue dogs, till i can't walk anymore....i'll have joy and i'll have sorrow in them thats part of the business, but with this program, i can learn better to "let go the sorrow parts and move on"......this is the FIRST one to run away from my home....i spoil my animals so much, you couldn't pay them to leave me.....so this is a first....i am sad cuz i don't know what happened to her.....like i said, i searched frantically for 2 hours, and worked myself into a raging mess THAN
the program kicked in......."if something doesn't want me???? let it GO"........."if someone/thing wants to leave me???? say good bye"...if i am POWERLESS????? drop it and take care of me.....give it UP!!!!!! say "god bless" and move on with my life.......AND, don't go LOOKING for trouble as it seems to find me plenty on its own......so i am not going to pursue...i am going to have a nice t/giving holiday, and put it behind me.....i was responsible with her...i was loving to her...i did everything right...made sure my fence was in good repair as it always is.....but somehow she managed to get under it and wriggle out...it took effort cuz i take care of my dog yard......
anyway, this program works....my relationship with and my treatment of me is really improving....i just wish i could figure out WHY i keep getting unwanted happenings in my life........oh well, let it go, maybe my higher self will give me some wisdom...........thanks for listening......rosie