I work nights with this older lady! She is not a very nice person. She tells my boss things that I never said and then tells on me when I fall asleep at work. I am hanging on by a thin string and I love my job. I have had it almost a year and I can't believe that I have worked with her for that long. I am trying really hard to get along with her and at times when she tells me what to do, pushes me around, and puts words in my mouth; I just want to pick her in the leg and make her fall down in pain. Thats pretty scary to say but its the truth and at least I am not acting out on it and I am pretty sure that I would never do that. I just had the thought that it would make me feel kind of good for a few mintues to do so:( I have talked with my sponsor on several occasions about this lady and we always come up with farely good things to come up with instead of acting out in my old behaviors. I wanted to talk about this because...well first off I work nights and I am working right know. I am really glad that I am communicating with other people other than the ones I see on a daily basis.
I worked under an abusive boss for 8 years of hell. One thing I had to do was to learn better coping skills than I had, and the next thing I had to do as soon as I could (I was raising a child) was to quit. I don't know what specific solution is for you, but the learning better coping skills never hurts. It is so hard to deal with people who lie to people above us. My sister used to do that.
Welcome to the Alcoholics Anonymous 12 Step program message board on the Miracles in Progress site. Keep coming!
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
You're doing the right thing on not acting out your thoughts..Work is such an important part of our live's and having to work with a back stabbing lier can make it a living hell. I can't tell you to quit your job but if possible you may have to look into another place of work. I say also to pray for her and drive her nuts by being overly nice...I do think most people have a time when someone is a spur in our side. I use to act out my thoughts,,,with much regret..We do have to be careful carrying around un-justified anger. Yours seems justified..keep talking to your spounser..
Welcome to the board Sara, I'm glad you are here. Well, it sounds like you are doing the right things, talking to your sponsor, playing the tape to the end, not acting on the thoughts of harming her. How many meetings do you get to attend a week ?
When I was in management I always ask the people who came to me with a complaint about another employee if they had documented the incidences as they occured. I would tell them in the future when something would happen , to write down when, what, where ... it sure simplified things. I'm like you when something happens and the monkeys in my mind start chattering, I have to vent. I do alot of journaling.
You might want to try in a calm and unaccusing manner ask her why she doesn't like you and what you can do to get along with her better. This moves things out into the open and put the ball in her court to justify her behavior. If this fails inform your supervisor and keep track of her abusive behavior. Get your resume in order and start looking for a new job, the last thing a person new to recovery needs is a abusive work enviorment. Good Luck. Bob.
Work like you don't need the money
Love like you've never been hurt, and
dance like no one is watching.
I have 26 days and I was all excited about my new job- turns out the place isnt very well ventilated and I've been getting headaches and nausea from some of the chemicals-
And I am feeling very bummed about messing up my old job- I was just about to get a raise and promotion (I'd been sober for 8 months) before I picked up a drink and couldnt show up after a few weeks. Feeling like my life sucks right now, but at least I'm sober- perhaps God has something wonderful in store- And it was a lot worse a month ago-