Hi, I am new. Joining online due to work related issues.
Does the online thing work? I have non drinking family members, so that wont be a problem. friends are a different story, as they dont think there is anything wrong with drinking, but I have had some issues that have affected my life, and the lives of others. Time for that to stop..
I dont think I am chemically addicted, so that should not be a problem either.
Welcome to the board here- Sorry about your troubles.
I think most if not all of the people here go to face-to-face meetings- That is probably the best bet for hearing other people's experience, making friends, and deciding whether you think you are right for AA-
Welcome Polly, I read your other posts, and I'm glad you are here. Just as the others have already suggested, find an AA meeting, have you ever been to one? This is a great place to share, to hear other's experience, strength and hope. We are all in varying stages of recovery, just read and post.Alcohol affected my life , in more ways than one, so you are in the right place.
There is an on line AA site, just go to the MIP Home page.
Hi mommie, and welcome to the Miracles In Progress forum!
We all talk about our progress, (and sometimes our problems), share experience, strength and hope, much as you will find at any face to face AA meetings.
And, as with any other AA group, the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.
We all offer each other encouragement whenever we can, regardless of any small disagreements that one or another may have, and we genuinely care that each of our members succeeds in their recovery!
Glad your here, and hope you share a long, happy, SOBER life with the rest of us!
-- Edited by Sick of being sick at 22:03, 2005-11-21
Hey - not the only one here that is new to this. This is all new and frightening for me. I'm coming up on four months and if it was not for the fellowship and aquaintances that I have made at the face to face meetings I honestly do not think I would be here today. I also have a non-drinking family the same as you. I have realized who my real friends are. Those friends are the ones who support me in what ever storm that hits the fan. I have realized that at the face to face meetings that even just listening to what others have to say is helpful. I hope you find one in your area.
You only live once; but if you work it right, once is enough. There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend.