It is easy to make up excuses to tell to yourself. For you can choose to believe anything you say to yourself.
But what do those excuses accomplish? Where do they take you?
It's easy to use your thinking to rationalize your way out of taking action. Without much effort, you can think of plenty of good, believable reasons for not making the effort.
At some point, though, you must ask yourself this question. Do you want your life to be filled with excuses or with accomplishment?
In fact, each time you catch yourself thinking up an excuse or rationalization, ask yourself that question. Challenge yourself to consciously choose whether or not you wish to accomplish.
When you force yourself to look at it that way, the excuses will begin to look pretty silly and useless. The more you remind yourself of the value of accomplishment, the more you will take action instead of making up excuses.
And the more you take action, the more you will achieve.
-- Ralph Marston
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *
DOLL>>>>>>>>>>At some point, though, you must ask yourself this question. Do you want your life to be filled with excuses or with accomplishment?
ROSIE>>>>>>>> my beloved aunt used to say "God helps those who help themselves".....she told me nothing happends if you don't move your a** in SOME direction in helping for me to fulfill my hopes/dreams, i have to put in an honest effort...even if it is recoveing/changing my BELIEF system.....and being open...being watchful of opportunities, and surrendering the rest.......good post, doll....rosie