When I first came into the program, I was overwhelmed by the thought of never drinking or using drugs again. The thoughts of "forever" seemed like too much to handle. Fortunately, I learned quickly that all I needed to do was stay focused on today. There was nothing I could do about all the yesterdays, when I repeatedly failed to clean up my act. I also didn’t need to worry about all the tomorrows, as they never happen. When tomorrow arrives, it will be today. All I needed to do was take it one day at a time. In the early going, even one day was tough at times. Some days I struggled with cravings and urges to use. Other days it was the confusing emotions that seemed to come out of nowhere. Sometimes my thinking was simply messed up. I struggled with giving up behaviors, people, things and places. The one thing I didn’t struggle with was knowing that I was powerless; I had ample evidence that my life was unmanageable. My way didn’t work. I really needed to rely on the fellowship to help me though those early struggles. I slowly began to put one 24-hour period after another together. Days became weeks, and weeks became months. Over time it has become easier to live life one day at a time. Do I work at staying in today, rather than trying to undo the past or live in the fantasy of tomorrow? Meditations for the Heart
########ROSIE.....oh me too, its like change ??? face life sober????? cope with life at all???? face me????? the thought scared me.....i was so sick..so desperate for healing...i had hit rock bottom, and there was no other way to go, but the grave.........but the *keep it simple* and *let it begin with me* and the *ONE day at a time* which sometimes was *one HOUR at a time* kept me thinking that "maybe" i can do this....if i can do it in increments....don't think too big....maybe i can do it.......i had to discharge all the intense emotional outrage and pain first b4 i could say "ok, yesterday is gone..can't do anything about it".....and as far as tomorow goes????? i may not even be here so why think about it....in case i am here??? i take care of my today...try to be responsible TODAY.....stay emotionally and physically sober TODAY......take care of me TODAY...that is all, really, i can handle....."just for TODAY"....... i take it one day at a time, sometimes moment by moment.......in the early going, for me??? it was one hour at a time......i struggled with unaway anger/ suppressed emotions ....pain i never KNEW B4 recovery how MUCH pain i had...how MUCH anger i had till i decided to face it ONE day at a time.....and yes, i struggled mostly with me...my having to be in control.....step 3 was the hardest thing for me.......i knew my way did not work...it was driving me to drink and escape and numb out anyway i could and THAT was when i wasn't doing the "coda crazies....scrambling, and frantically trying to keep up with the karma"........i needed to rely on the program and my sponser....i shall always need them......over time for me it has become easier too, Bcuz i finally have admitted my defeat....accepted the need to surrender.......DID surrender.......i did my steps 8/9 so the past is history.....fantasy of tomorow??? i still catch myself day dreaming of my retirement in the country , digging in my gardenn, riding my horses, rescueing my dogs....yes, i do, but maybe those dreams are a *dress rehearsal* of the good to come???????? one can hope......but either way....i am sewing good seed today so maybe this can happen................
Persistent preparation is what the spiritual life in recovery is all about. I need constantly to work at preparing myself for the day by practicing the principles of the program. Persistent prayer is one way I try to prepare myself for the day ahead. My prayers change over time. Sometimes they are filled with requests for guidance. Other times I look for strength to handle my life in the moment. Sometimes it is about seeking willingness and other times about gratitude. But it is not just prayer that prepares me spiritually. I also need to put my program into action. I need to work the steps. I need to carry the message. You may ask what I am preparing for. Well, I am preparing for the promises – joy, peace, health, security, serenity and happiness. Anything is possible in the spiritual realm of recovery. Am I preparing my life for the promises of recovery?
######ROSIE.....i work on my program.....ONE day at a time, and when the hard times hit????one HOUR at a time.....prayer and meditation...releasing me from the *scrambling and frantic behaviour*....turning it over......and yes, persistent prayer....i set time each night for my "god time" and i am serious about it.......and yes, the prayers change to fit what ever my hp and i need to communicate about......i pray, i work my program and all its sugestions....and i do what i can.....and i pray each day for the wisdom to know when i leave off and my hp comes on.......i am preparing for the promises of joy/ peace/ health/security/serenity/happiness..and ADD to that LOVE............i am doing ALL i can TODAY to help my hp help me.......doing the foot work...praying the prayers.....CLAIMING my good.....than go about my business and let the universe work on the energy i am putting out.......
Petitions to my Higher Power
God, "Today" – this is a word I need to better understand. Help me to realize that all that is important for me in this life happens in today. Let me walk forward into this day with knowledge of Your will for me. Give me the strength I need to accomplish the tasks You set before me. Let me always work at preparing myself for the promises of recovery. Amen.