We cannot think first and act afterward. From the moment of birth we are immersed in action, and can only fitfully guide it by taking thought.ALFRED NORTH WHITEHEAD
There’s a good reason that one of the slogans we use most in recovery is this one: Think. We are always moving, always doing things that have an effect on others and on ourselves—and if we don’t think, we are dangerous! When we don’t think, we are "an accident waiting to happen." Thinking is how we take responsibility for the things we do. Thinking is how we are careful or gentle or strong when we need to be. Thinking is how we make good use of our time and energy. Thinking is how we make our actions loving toward others and ourselves. Most important, thinking is how we remember to do the things every day that help us stay sober.
######ROSIE......oh this is me!!!! ACT without brain in gear first.....i need to STOP....THINK.....allow feelings if needed......than ACT........i find my self REacting...no thinking , just knee jerk..... i know i must realize that i am NOT in the combat zone anymore...i CAN think, i have TIME to think, i have the RIGHT to think, before i put my hands in motion.....maybe this is why i have the ocd with the door/window checking.....i must THINK/ FEEL my hands as i lock door/window.........up until now, that i am aware of it/ working on it...i would do stuff with NO thought behind it...results??? accidents/ mis placed items/ mistakes........STOP and THINK....maybe i should clap my hands and yell STOP when i see myself REacting......i feel like i am *scrambling* all the time...like something would happen, and i am *scrambling* to try to fight it and protect me.....i am still in the external, and not yet in the internal.....i am AWARE.....i ACCEPT this.......my ACTION???? DISCIPLINE......THINK B4 i act/speak..............TODAY, i will practice to THINK before i say and do!!!!!! thank you.......ROSIE
TODAY’S ACTION Today I will consider how I could spend a bit more time thinking through my day’s plans in order to make my actions more effective. I will then try making a to-do list for today and see whether it helps.
######ROSIE......TODAY i decided to set time for my journals......... DISCIPLINE....on how much time i spend on journals....on boards......discipline and thinking time set for excercise......prayer work.....sponser work....meetings.......THINKING b4 i do something....paying attention to my hands when they are in motion.....pay attention to my thoughts and actions.......i think this is part of my problem not being in my body....i spent so much of my young years, just REacting...dodging bullets....trying to stay one step ahead of my abuser....i didn't have TIME to think, or i was too disassociated to think, too numb to think.........now, i can THINK...it is my right to THINK b4 i do / say something..........made a list today of things i need to THINK on..........thank you ROSIE
PRAYER FOR THE DAY Higher Power, sometimes I get moving so fast through my day that I forget to stop and think. Please help me think today so that my actions will be helpful.
Rosie writes: made a list today of things i need to THINK on
What works for me is making a Gratitude list. When you have things to be grateful for and acknowledge them, it makes the "thinking" part not so damned tough.
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *
DOLL>>>>>>>What works for me is making a Gratitude list. When you have things to be grateful for and acknowledge them, it makes the "thinking" part not so damned tough.
ROSIE>>>>>>>>oh yeah, like it eases up the idea that this is "punitive" or something undesireable.... hey i like that idea!!! ...i do the gratitude list, but didn't think to apply it to this......thanks/ rosie
I really wish they would do away with the Slogan..."Think..Think..Think"
It causes fear and paranoia.
I wake up in the morning...and the first "Think" that comes into my mind is "Whos going to mess in my Corn Flakes, this morning?"
The second "Think" is "Is the cold coffee left over from yesterday, going to give me a caffine buzz? or will I make fresh stuff?"
The third think is "Is my Higher Power, going to let me do things my way today?...and things are going to be ok?"
Now-----First thing in the morning,.....thats a lotta thinkin eh?
I usually need a nap, by 9am...just from thinkin.
Gratitude list for today: noone peed in my cornflakes.....the old coffee perked me up....but things didnt go my way.
Two outa three aint bad.:)
I still say that thinkin...for an alky..is bad news... I tend to not only, think...I can analyze the "H' out of anything.......zzzzzzzz Time for another nap.
And Stinkin Thinkin? hmmmm ...well...that starts with THINKIN. I wanna be a Space Cadet!!
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..
heheheheheheh LOL, phil, that was tooo funny......today i came home and one of my labs had the *runs* and messed on my carpet....NOT the linoleum but the carpet....in my BEDroom........so what did i *think*???? i wanted to kill the thing....so i am on my knees with bleach and detergent cleaning the carpet......talk about stinkin thinking.....its been one thing after another for a MONTH.....so protection prayers are in order.....this is ridiculous............see ya