There is a gift for us in each relationship that comes our way.Sometimes the gift is a behavior we're learning to acquire: detachment, self esteem, becoming confident enough to set a boundary, or owning our power in another way.Some relationships trigger healing in us - healing from issues of the past or an issue we're facing today.Sometimes we find ourselves learning the most important lessons from the people we least expect to help us. Relationships may teach us about loving ourselves or someone else. Or maybe we'll learn to let others love us.
######ROSIE.....oh yeah, i learned this with my *adoptive family* the best!!!! folks are in my life for a reason...or season....or lifetime.....the adopted family was DEFINITELY a reason.....NON keepers in the long haul scheme of thought.....but i am grateful to them being in my life....i got a clean name from them....they consented to my chaning my name to thiers...its clean...easy to spell....AND it does not remind me, when i sign somethign, of my perp.......i also learned about detachemnt from them.......expectations from them.....i learned to NOT have unrealistic expecations from people who are just NOT going to honour their words and promises.....i learned detachment from all the drama they would drop off onto me.......i leanred boundaries......not allowing them to make MORE broken promises to me.......yes, i learned a lot from them, and i am grateful...i passed the IC KNOWS i am gonna *take care of our business*.....i find all my relationships enriching in some way, and i am grateful......yep, nothing like other spirits to teach us the things we need......i quit trying to analyze how long someone is going to be in my life....i just *stay in the now* with them...and what ever will be will be.
Sometimes, we aren't certain what lesson we're learning, especially while we're in the midst of the process. But we can trust that the lesson and the gift are there. We don't have to control this process. We'll understand, when it's time. We can also trust that the gift is precisely what we need...........Today, I'll be grateful for all my relationships. I will open myself to the lesson and the gift from each person in my life. I will trust that I, too, am a gift in the other people's lives.
#######ROSIE....yeah, like sometimes i am sitting there thinking *ok what is SO and SO here to teach me??*....than i just figure, maybe it is just for to i don't question it anymore.....just hold onto my butt and enjoy the ride!!!! i am definitely not controlling anyone any in point!!!! my retarded and one of my favorite cousins, got hit by a car last week...he may not make other cousin is tryin to tell ME how to pray!!!!! shes telling me to pray he lives pray he lives......and i told her "i will pray for God's will...ONLY God's will" and i basically said END of i am pro choice.....i feel QUALITY of life is most important....if my cousin "cammy" is going to live but be a vegatable, i would rather he go home to cousin "ruth" on the other hand feels if the body is alive thats all that counts.......B4, i would have gotten into her face about how she believes.......this last saturday??? i just told her i will pray for God's will, and left it at that....she can pray how she wants...i will pray how i want......end of story!!!!! i was so proud of me for not even THINKING or WANTING to tell her i thought she was wrong.....who am i to tell anyone their beliefs are wrong??? just Bcuz i don't agree, that was her right to pray her way....just as it is MY right to pray/believe my way......PROGRESS!!!! yipeeeee!!!!! yes, i am grateful for my relationships....even the pain in the butt ones...Bcuz they ALL enrich me in one way or the other.....................