If you only quit one day at a time, every day that you don't drink will be an accomplishment. If you quit forever, you won't have accomplished anything until you're dead. take care wagon
Wagon, I really like that one too.I like to feel like I'm accomplishing something each day. Geez if I have to wait till the end , well, that'll be another 50 years....today is the day.
Every day I think of it. These days, I’m going to school online which means I spend a lot of my free-time (weekends) at home alone. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, but this is where I would isolate & drink. I had a love affair with the bottle & she turned on me.
So many times, I think of it but I have to replace those desires with constructive thought, school really helps, but I remember to take a break & relax & remind myself that I’m worth it.
I used to think if I moved it would be better, but those thoughts will be anywhere I go. I have to deal with it.
One of my classes it about time management, they say if a task is too difficult, then break it down into little tasks to get the job done. Isn’t that what one day at a time is about?
Every night, I’m grateful for being sober another day. That feels good!