OK, MIP family. What the Hell is in the air today? Seems to have been an intense one for a lot.
I contracted the heeby-geebys (how do you spell that??!) around 2pm today. A customer was talking to me about his favorite mexican restaurant which happens to be mine also and my favorite place to drink Dos Equis. All of a sudden my mouth began to water, a chill ran up my spine and the thought was in my mind. Maybe just one? or two? No one would know. I took a break and picked up the phone. My new nickname for booze is "slick". Cuz that shit can just slide right on in when you're not looking!
Then I get home, my son's supposed to be at his Dad's I find out he's in a trailer park in hooker crack town with some girl! Thank God for my AA family. 2 of the guys there also attend our church, so I called one of them, he came right over. I don't have a clue how to deal with a 15 yr old boy. And his father's only concern was did the kid have condemns with him. OMG!........... things have settled down now. I'm hitting the shower then hitting the bed, work at 6am tomorrow........... You're all in my prayers
Thanks for always letting me share.
Love and hugs
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *
Doll,Hope your tomorrow is better, somedays are just tougher than others. I sure miss my son, this too shall pass and living life on lifes terms gets easier. Sorry this was a tough one.
one night my daughter had gone to a party and her best freind called me to say she had left her there with this guy that knew me....well i could probably safely say that this guy was a 'using friend"...i was so scared!!!
All i could do was wrap her in a bright pick light and pray. I tried to mentally send her positive thoughts not to mention the thought of getting her butt home!!
She did make it home in one piece. I guess this guy had told her that he knew me. We had a long talk the next day.
My daughter is 16 going on 30. All we can do is be a good role model. By this age they pretty much have been taught what they should know. And we hope for the best.
We are powerless over so many things!
I too know those moments when a drink , that no one would know about, settles into my mind. I still have to walk by that pub at night when i take the bus home from work. I usually say a prayer now.
We do have the strength and courage in us. To fight that first one.
And this would be why I live in a town of 15...ain't' nothing the girls can do without me knowing!!!
Seriously though...all you can really do is find out from your son why he was there and explain to him why it is dangerous to be in certain places. You don't have to hold back...I was pretty graphic with my older kids about some of the dangers of people, places and things. While I am sure they didn't tell me everything about thier teen years I was kept fairly well informed about where they would be and who they would be with. And they always knew that they could call me at any time...no questions asked...to pick them up out of a situation that they didn't like being in.
As for your heebygeeby--mental flashback of what you used to do, probably. It happens to me when I smell booze sometimes...my boss came in with an empty bottle of Jager's from the parking lot the other day and I swear I could smell it all day. You did what you needed to do...picked up the phone a called someone. Good for you!