We continue to weigh and measure our food when we are maintaining as well as when we are losing. Since we are compulsive overeaters, we do not have a built in concept of how much food is enough. Exact measurements relieve us of the anxiety of deciding how much is enough. Since we are experts at rationalizing extra amounts, we do not allow ourselves to estimate portions when scales and measuring cups are available.
######ROSIE.....for me it was hoarding....buying more than what i need......my pantry has to be FULL....my refridge is CRAMMED with food....i do this with everything......over purchase, over stock my house if i like a clothing garment, i got to get another!!!! it is born out of my fear of lack......in the *abuse days* the perp would leave us with no food.....he refused to by us decent clothes for school.....he was wealthy and he indulged in himself, but left us kids to do without so many times......so a fear of lack sprouted within me......i *had * lack, so i *expected* lack and to *avoid* that lack, i would *over* purchase to avoid it......i must be healing from this, Bcuz when hurrican katrina hit, i was able to FILL my camper in my truck wiht stuff that i had as a result of my *over stocking* and give it to the hurrican victims.....i still fear lack, but i am doing better.......my hoarding as been out of my desire to *never again* be without!!!!!! not even close.....now i strive to trust in my HP to provide me with what i need AS i need it........its hard........its slow in comming.......i still fear lack and limitation, but i am doing subliminal tapes, saying to me that my HP i smy infinite supply and he blesses me with abundence where ever i go..........i can see that all my shortcommings are born out of fear.......i don't ever remember EVER feeling safe and secure in that *hellhole* of a house........i have much to do, but i am better each day....
For the compulsive overeater, no amount of food is enough. We make a rational decision about our food plan for the day, basing the decision on the objective nutritional requirements of our body rather than subjective emotional cravings. We give this food plan to a qualified sponsor, which prevents us from getting lost in endless preoccupation and anxiety about what we are going to eat.When we conscientiously follow the abstinence guidelines, we can rest secure in the knowledge that we have eaten the right amount of food...........May I be satisfied with enough.
#######ROSIE....for me??? no amount of ANYthing is enoough......my closets are crammed.....as i said above, its *over kill* in keeping supplies....even household cleaners, i have enuf cleaners to start a business....i kept *adding onto the pile* i am getting better, i can walk into a store now and get ONLY what i am REALLY running out of......oh now if there is a close out sale or something????? and i know i am using the product regularly i see nothing wrong with stocking up like that......but what i was doing????? hoarding Bcuz i was terrified of being without......i only need what i need!!!!! and as for eating???? when i feel satisfied/ had enough, i am getting better at stopping.....B4???? i would stuff my self, i would look like a "puffed up poisoned toad" when i was through....thank God for good metabolism and good genes.....otherwise, they would be hanging a sing on my butt when i walked saying "wide load"!!!!!! thank you DONE
hmmmm.....well Rosie.....all I can say is "Food is expensive in Canada' ...If you need to clean out youre cupboards, and get rid of some--ship me up a bunch FEDEX. :)
Too much,... is not a good thing. hahaha
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..