Today is November 3, 2005 A Great Day for Recovery!
"Another good reducing exercise consists in placing both hands against the table edge and pushing back." -- Robert Quillen
I am an alcoholic and today I choose not to drink. When alcohol is offered, I say "no". I do not go into "wet places", spend time with drinkers or put myself in awkward situations. I assist my abstinence by the choices I make.
The recovering gambler avoids Las Vegas. The drug addict avoids sick relationships. The compulsive overeater must exercise the spiritual power of choice around food. "No" must involve both hands! For the recovering addict, talk must be accompanied by action. Some people, places and things must be avoided.
Had a great trip!! My wife saw all kinds of game ( elk, deer, sheep, coyote's, antelope, moose) This was her first trip west. We caught a good mess of brook trout and enjoyed some hiking. After she left the hunting started. We got 2--5 by 5 elk, a cow elk and 2 mule deer bucks. It was a Great hunt and trip, but it's good to be back home. Doing good and sober. There was beer at camp but done for this guy. It's been tough, but went real well at camp ( no desire ) GREAT!! Been trying to catch up on things here. Winterizing and servicing equipment before snow flies.
I'll try to attach a picture or two. think i got one ( having trouble)
so glad you had a good trip and sounds like the hunting went well! right on.
i've never caught trout myself. But fishing is one of my favorite things to do! perch, pickerel and wall eye here. My favorite to eat is a dog fish, which most people throw back as they are bottom feeders. Fresh water cod! yummy! My boyfriend is in the process of buying a new ice fishing shack. Catch 'em and cook 'em on the spot!
i clicked on your attachment Rick but couldn't see anything.....
oh way to go staying sober by the by :)
yup winter coming here to...supposed to snow today...yuk, summer goes too fast!!!