When I came into my program, I had very little money to myself. (alanon side). However, just as sick or sicker than my alcoholic and I have had to work my program with AA members and Open AA mtgs. Anyway, the gratitude thing was a mystery to me for a very long time. Sometimes I would put my $1 in the basket, hey, cheap therapy. Some weeks, I couldn't even PART with that $1, I felt so desperate.
I began to put pennies in jars, cars, slots for children wherever they were set out. Things seemed to get better. Then later, I decided it should be shiny nickels. Things seemed to get a little better. Then shiny dimes. : ) Then, I would BACKSLIDE, Yuck! I felt so yucky, but I plunged ahead with a shiny quarter and a prayer. Next week, things seemed to turn around. I even plunged ahead and put that $1 in the meeting basket when the lump wanted to form in my throat, but the next week's pay seemed to be there for my hubby.
What I want to end with here is this. Every time I put a coin in, I now find change lying in the parking lots when I am out an about. It sort of seems like what I have given has come back to me and several coins at a time now. Those coins go in my jeans pocket, but the next time I seem those coin slots, I donate! Just something I have witnessed.
I have often heard God/Hp wants us to have money and not to be without it. Perhaps it is a tool and we need to learn that. We do not have to have too much, just enough or SOME money to be happy, serene.
I know some folks won't even stoop down to pick up a penny or small change anymore, but I DO!