And my God shall supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory... --Phil. 4:19
This verse has helped me many times. It has helped me when I have wondered where my next friend bit of wisdom, insight, or meal was coming from.Everything I need today shall be supplied to me.People, jobs, what we have to our immediate disposal, are not our source.We have tapped into a Greater Source, a source of infinite and immediate supply: God and His Universe.Our task is to allow ourselves to come into harmony with our Source. Our task is to believe in, and look to, our true Source. Our task is to release fear; negative thinking, limitations, and short supply thinking.Everything we need shall be provided to us. Let it become a natural response to all situations, and all situations of need.Reject fear. Reject short supply and limited thinking notions. Be open to abundance.
#######ROSIE.....i used to read the bible promises and thought "yeah, right!!!, what God meant was the AFTERlife, not this one" i am thinking maybe maybe (as i take responsibility for my own BS) that it is my BELIEF system, crappy it is, that is holding me back......i am listening to my sub-mind tapes, that i made, in my voice saying "thank you God for .................(prayer answered)..........." like it is already done.....i am taking responsibility that maybe my negative beliefs about God/ supply/ blessings/ GOOD things happening to me is what has kept me in this i am going to pray AS if, it is already done!!!! visualize myself in better circumstances......i do belief that lack and limitation are beliefs, that when i see the grass, the thickness of grass, and the flora about me, i know that the source is not of lack and limitation, but of infinite supply....soo much abundence, i must wonder if my old negative tapes belifs in lack have caused me to be in this what am i doing????? i am listening over and over to my self made tapes, to replace my beliefs in lack with beliefs in abundence....i have done the work on me, i now love me, i now treat me well, i now have a better perspective of me, so now its the *next level* believing for my good, my hopes and dreams that have been on hold for so long.....its like i am blowing my trumpet to the universe!!!! "i am here....its my turn now....thank you for MY good that is MINE by divine right"......yes, *acting as IF it is already done*.........i am OPEN to my abundence....not another's but MINE!!!!!
Cherish need because it is part of our relationship to God and His Universe. God has planned to meet our every need, has created the need within us, so God can supply.No need is too small or too great. If we care and value our need, God will too.Our part is taking responsibility for owning the need. Our part is giving the need to the Universe. Our part is letting go, in faith. Our part is giving God permission to meet our needs by believing we deserve to have our needs - and wants - met.Our part is healthy giving, not out of caretaking, guilt, obligation, and codependency, but out of a healthy relationship with ourselves, God, and all of God's creations.Our part is simply to be who we are, and love being that..............Today, I will practice the belief that all my needs today shall be met. I will step into harmony with God and His Universe, knowing that I count.
#####ROSIE....if i can do what i thought was impossible (love me) i can change my situation of lack and limitation......and i too believe that my need, brought to me my sponser who taught me how to make these tapes.....and these messages that i do my posts MANY of them are relating to my *relationship with God* "coincidental" SOMEone on the other side is telling me "rosie, you are on the right track" when i decided to "claim my good" all of a suddenn, my sponser tells me about this *changing the old negative tapes in my head, for new ones* than these *dailys* today, halloween, my favorite holiday, i see these *dailys* and they are all about God/ my relationship with the source, and abundence, etc....all stuff i am addressing....i no longer blame outside sources for my situation, i am healthy enough now to take full responsibility for my life NOW......yes, B4 recovery, i was too disabled to really be responsible for anything, thus the self forgiveness, but now???? with 22 months of recovery??? the *buck stops with me* *let it begin with me* because i am here, and i am staying and i am claiming my life now......i give my needs to the universe.....i let it go, AS i give thanks for prayer DELIVERED...... and yes, i do deserve to have my needs/ wants MET.....i love to give, i love to share, so i am worthy!!!!! i do it for the joy of it.........i am changing my old , negative tapes, and replaceing them with ones of faith in me/ my HP to meet my needs AND my wants......i am "praying aright"!!! thank you DONE