When I was a newbie in the 12 Step program,, and beginning to learn the Steps, Traditions and Principles.. I was not sure of myself at all. My old patterns of behavior got triggered very easily by a lot of things that came up to happen in my day,, with my cranky boss, my child, my finances,etc. The things I was learning that were 'tools' for me to use in my life were still new, and trying to apply them for the first few times was strange new territory for me.. I didn't know quite what to expect. I read the 24 hour a day book daily, and I remember thinking.. that it was like Peter walking on the water. As long as Peter kept his eyes on Jesus he was walking on the water,, but when he looked down at the water and thought about how impossible it was, he started to sink. We who are in real recovery, not on either a wet or dry drunk, and coping with life in healthy ways that work,, are like Peter walking on the water. We are doing miracles. We are doing what we could not do before, and could not do alone. With each Step we take,, we have to keep our eyes on our Higher Power and trust that when we turn our lives and wills over to His care, we will also not sink but walk on the water of life's chaos, problems and stuff,, to get to where we are going.
love in recovery,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time