Problems have only the size and the power that you give them. --S. H.
We will not be free from all difficulties today, or during any period of our lives. But we have the personal power to eliminate the threat, the sting of any challenge. But it's our vision of circumstances that gives them their interpretation.At this moment, we are defining our experience. We are labeling events good or bad, valuable or meaningless. And our growth, particularly this day, is greatly influenced by the value judgments we attach to our experiences.As we grow stronger emotionally and spiritually, we learn that all difficulties are truly opportunities for exceptional growth and increased awareness of the truth of existence. All experiences can be taken in stride if we are trustful of their intended blessing.
#####ROSIE......oh man!! i used to pray "God don't let the sky fall in on me today" i was sooo gloom and doom, all i thought that happened was as my vision of circumstances that was freaking me out...i felt like i was *one foot in the grave...the other on a banana peel* it was a lose lose situation....i drank to *not care* about the disasters that seem to have radar for me......EVERYTHING bothered/ threatened me...especially those *i cannot control* issues....i labelled anything that didn't make me happy right away, bad....i had the worse perception of myself, of God, of life!!! i was the consumate victim....i used to say "if it weren't for BAD luck i would have NO luck at all" i look at myself as having an *even steven* chance at i am at the starting gate with the rest of the horses, not running behind them!!!! i no longer feel like i am a fact life is ok...peaceful....going along....just moving along in a peaceful and forward direction.....nothing earth shaking for the good......nothing earth shaking for the bad either.....i am still alone and poor, but maybe i don't care so much.....i am taking care of me on a DAY to DAY basis.....the difficulties to me, are just part of life, hopefully recovery is enabling me to make good karma, so i can put positive energy into the universe....i have had my share of dificulties, and i have gotten through them, and i try to look at each one and say "ok, what lesson is this, so i don't have to repeat???" i don't belive that when the evil happened to me, that there was an intended blessing, i think the opposite was true, howEVER!! i do believe that once i decided to align myself with God, to cooperate with God, he can REVERSE the evil and "recompense me all the years the locust and canker worm have eaten" the original intent was to destroy me , and it most nearly did, however i got into recovery....did step 3, DO step 3 all the time, so now???? i am a channel for things good.....the evil can still *come against me* but it is HOW i react to it/ what attitude i embrace that makes it END in the good!!!! each day i am given a new chance...a new day....a new *hand*!!!!! its how i play it that affects my outcome in the end........
We are sharing this life, every moment of it, with a power greater than ourselves. We need not worry about any circumstance. Always we are watched over. We never need struggle alone.We can let go of our problems. It's ourselves and that attitude we have cultivated that makes any situation a problem. We can turn it loose and therein discover the solution.I will not make mountains out of the molehills of my life.
######ROSIE......yep, i try to allow the *source* to work through me....the way i see it is that it works *through* me maybe even more than *for* i try to be *open* for the energy.........i see myself as a lamp!!! just a fixture till i plug me into the wall.....when i am *plugged into* my energy source...i sit on the table and i shine my bright is my choice to plug me into the wall so i can receive the power i need to shine my light....thank you DONE