The chapter to the agnostics was one of the first places I had to go as well.
Remember that your "higher power" is not dictated by anyone else, nor is the interaction you choose to have with that higher power.
Phil gave you the link to 2 good online books, my friend, but there is also other literature available for little cost on the officail AA World Services website. One of my favorites is "Living Sober".
As far as the Big Book on line, try reading some of the stories as well. They can tell you something about that which you seek.
Good luck,Duane, may you find new peace in sobriety.
I just read 'Bills Story' and it really struck a chord with many similarities, so many of the same thoughts and feelings. I thought I had read it a few years ago but it all seemed new to me. It never ceases to amze me how un-unique my drinking career is.