Eu gostaria muito de encontrar uma madrinha portuguesa, há por aí alguém que queira contactar comigo.
Sobriedade não se pode manter sem que se tenha uma madrinha, no meu caso tornasse muito urgente comunicar o que só se pode ser comunicado na minha língua materna. Recuperação envolve muitos aspectos, tais como sócio - político contexto do lugar aonde se nasceu e se foi criado. Espero muito encontrar uma moça, rapariga ou senhora que esteja disponível para conversar comigo On-line, quem sabe, há uma AA portuguesa algures em Londres. Talvez seja uma boa ideia contar que já faz 15 anos que estou sóbria, que tenho tido muitos altos e baixos, que sempre tive o bom senso de atender reuniões, trabalhar os passos, mas está-se tornando muito difícil manter-me sóbria neste momento, isolamento e constantes sinais de depressão, levam-me a sentir uma vontade louca de falar, falar em português, compreender e fazer-me compreendida.
Here's a ROUGH Translation, the best I can do!! Maybe someone else can do better? Doll
"Compliments of London
Olá, I would very like to find a godmother Portuguese, I have there for somebody that wants to contactar with me. Sobriety if cannot keep without that if it has a godmother, in mine in case that it very became urgent to communicate what if materna only can be communicated in my language. Recovery involves many aspects, such as partner - politician context of the place where was born itself and if he was created. I very wait to find a young woman, rapariga or lady who is available to talk with me On-line, who knows, has a Portuguese AA algures in London. Perhaps either a good ideia to count that already it makes 15 years that I am sober, that has had many high and low, that always I had common-sense to take care of meetings, to work the steps, but is becoming very difficult to keep me sober at this moment, isolation and constants depression signals, takes to feel me to it a will insane person of speaking, speaking in Portuguese, to understand and to make me understood."
-- Edited by Doll at 09:41, 2005-10-25
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *
Thanks for the translation, Doll. I have a meager grasp of Spanish, and, although similar, Portuguese is different enough to really leave me scratching my head right after the part that said "Hello" ("Olá").
I hope that Sao finds the Portuguese speaking sponsor in London that she is seeking.