Express your inner values Do your outer choices reflect your inner values? If not, then your life will move from one conflict to another.
Yet when the choices you make do indeed come from the person you are, then you will travel steadily in the direction of your highest visions. When your actions are in agreement with your purpose, those actions will surely take you where you most want to go.
Why would you ever act in opposition to who you truly are? Unfortunately, there are plenty of temptations to do so.
It could be that you're worried about what others will think, so you go along with what they expect you to do, even though it hurts somewhere inside. Or it could be that you crave the false sense of security that material possessions and shallow pleasures seem to offer.
Yet the real you, the beautiful, unique person inside, knows better. The more you allow your own deeply held values to guide your moment-to-moment thoughts and actions, the more fulfilling and joyful life will become.
There is real and inexhaustible value in the authentic person you are. Let your life express it in everything you do.
Theres a lot of stuff, in what you just posted. A lot of stuff.
Going through a few things right now--that involve patience, and time. Its also a situation, where expectations, could knock me right on my ass.
Feel thats its right, and that its a 100 percent--inside and out-- direction to go. Its where I wish to go, and where I wish to wind up-For ME
But there are others involved in that picture
And when there others involved--there can be expectations.
When there are expectations, with others involved--we know that those expectations--might not match ours--dont know-time will tell.
I have a real problem with it, one day at a time, right now.
Back to the 11th step--and trying to just accept, that those expectations just might not happen--and I might just hafta bow out of the whole situation--FOR ME.
Anyway-time takes time. Guess wele give it some, and see where it leads. Higher Power will give me the answers, and more will be revealed. Gotta trust in that one.
Sundays are bad days for this guy. This too shall pass.
Eleventh step. Another day. Have a good one.
-- Edited by Phil at 10:10, 2005-10-23
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..
on day day of my DWI course, was there yesterday from 9-4 then straight to work till 11 pm....
seeing some future alcoholics??? maybe...i'm not to judge
some youguns there...i just hope that this would be their first and last dui.....wanna scream out to them all..."don't drink"!!!!!!! but of course i am only capable of changin' me , myself and Wendy...who is Irene anyways?!?
had a speaker yesterday from addiction i got a meeting in while i was at it...
no work today at least
one of our residents at work fell trying to tye her shoes....27 stitches in her forehead...she looks like she got beatup!!! poor thing
so i'll tell ya...i haven't been to a meeting since i don't know when...thats on my agenda for tonight
boyfreind things goin' on, just tryin' to fool myself and seriously look like the fool in the long run,,,,i'm workin' on letting go of that.
my girls went on a road trip this weekend, and unlike my daughter i haven't heard from her since she left on friday....been saying lots of prayers....but i gotta say she's gonna here a mouthful when she gets home...after I hug her....
and...still no words from my family....
well...other than all that???
just ducky Phil...just ducky, i ain't drinking today, that much i know for sure.
ya i got lots of pretty hard not to have any at all...
well i'm off for another day of learning why i shouldn't drink and drive....
oooh wendy thisis SOO great!!! with the "test to my values" goin on lately, you know, my dysfunctional family and all......i am acting NOW on my values...of self respect....NOT taking abuse....NOT allowing destructive/ abusive behaviour around me......finally i think my *outter* is matching my *inner*...its a work in progress........thanks.....ttyl/ rosie