so i did my first night at my DWI course...for those who don't know it stands for... Driving Without Intoxication this was our first assignment...this course is a requirement for getting my drivers liscence back true or false:
1. the amount of alcohol in an average serving (1 1/2 oz.) is completely absorbed into the bloodstream within 20 minutes
2. You can be sent to jail if you are charged with another drinking and driving offense in the next 2 years
3. you could be charged with impaired driving without having consumed a drop of alcohol. 4. if you are a little drunk, wake-up pills or black coffee will help to sober you up.
5. you could lose your driver's licence if you are caught operating a motor boat or skidoo while impaired.
6. alcohol is a stimulant.
7. the posted speed limit is the maximum speed a driver is allowed to drive at any time on the road.
8. if you drink only one drink per hour, you can stay sober.
9. a standard serving of wine, beer, scotch or vodka all contain the same amount of alcohol.
10. if you are in an accident while impaired, your vehicle may not be insured.
11. a person diagnosed as alcoholic can be cured.
12. if you serve a;cpjp; om a bar pr upir pwm jp,e. upi cpi;d be je;d ;oab;e fpr da,ages caised by a person who leaves the party in an impaired condition.
13. cold medications with just a couple of drinks have no harmful effect on your driving.
14. a breathalyzer test can tell if you've been 'smoking up'.
15. in 32% of all fatal highway accidents, the driver was impaired.
16. a person must drink for many years to become alcoholic.
17. if you think you've had too much to drink, you should just pull your car over and sleep it off.
18. if you get into a vehicle when you know the driver has been drinking, you're putting your life on the line.
19. three roadside suspensions (over .04) for an experienced driver will result in a licence suspension for 90 days and a referral to addiction screening.
here's the answers.... 1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. F 8. F 9. T 10. T 11. F 12. T 13. T 14. F 15. T ( in saskatchewan, canada) 16. F 17. F 18. T 19. T
1. i read wrong..i thought they meant absorbed and gone
i should have known 8....
9. well they were talking STANDARD serving and spirits, wine and beer aren't all the same serving
and 15...i thought 32 % was too low!!! but my instructor said the number has come down in the past few years, which is good!
when we were discussing question 12...a person diagnosed as alcoholic can be cured....i had to add 'only ham is cured..." everyone laughed at that one....
There's a saying, " You can turn a cucumber into a pickle, but you can't turn a pickle back into a cucumber". Alcohol and drugs irreversibly changes the synapses or pathways in the brain. This is why Alcoholics and Addicts don't think like Normal people (duh), it's because the wiring in our brains has been changed and our "programing is fouled up. Recovery teaches us a new way to think and reprograms our brains (one day at a time) to work around the damaged parts (so called stinking thinking). Strange to think of your brain as a vegitable. Bob.
Work like you don't need the money
Love like you've never been hurt, and
dance like no one is watching.