"When the heart grieves over what it has lost, the spirit rejoices over what it has left."
-Old Sufi saying
I know that many of my friends on this site are dealing with issues of loss right now. Just thought I'd share this with you.
I remember a reply posted by John a little while back for Rosie. He mentioned how we each periodically examine our "junk" drawer, and always discard a little more each time we do. I think that we also occasionally come across some little trinket that brings back a fond memory. We all have moments in our lives that invoke positive memories, both past and present. Blessings that we have received, and continue to receive, are the trinkets that we need to save and set on that little shelf or in that little display case in our lives.
When we start looking around our "house" and begin to feel sorrow for that which we don't have, or that which we have lost, it is good to cast our gaze on those trinkets of joy which we have in our lives. We need to take them down from the shelf and examine them, count them, then place them back. We don't have to make them our lives, but we do need to remember that they are there.
Of all the inventories we take of ourselves, sometimes the one most easily forgotten is to count our blessings. When I make myself busy with the task of listing all that I have, with all my blessings, I forget to pay as much attention to what I don't have.
When you count your blessings today, I pray that you will place my friendship on the list.
this weekend i have been doing that!!!! i call it making deposits into my *gratitude bank*.......and i'll tell ya, it works!!!!! even though i am visiting another grief cycle, i can see things to be grateful for.....
lots of times i'll start with the alphabet.....if i were on *D* i would be grateful for DAN and his beautiful share!!!!!! peace/ rosie