Today is October 16, 2005 A Great Day for Recovery!
"The great law of culture: let each become all that he was created capable of being." -- Thomas Carlyle
We are capable of great things. This history of man, although surrounded by wars and unspeakable acts of violence, is also the history of art, music, poetry and romance. Each person is capable of great and noble acts --- but do we want to do them? We can be honest, loving and caring people only if we choose to be that. The power of freedom and choice is the determining factor in all our lives. Each culture has imaginative and creative features, but it is the people that make them happen. Nothing will happen unless people decide to make it happen.
So it is with the culture of recovery. The people who make up the recovering community in all the addictions are the people who make a decision and acted upon it. Talk is cheap and cruel unless it is followed by an event. Decisions must be made real. We all have the capacity to be honest and kind.
May I not only be grateful for my culture but may I live to add something
Just a bit of a share, from this end, and adding to youre posts here.
Had a sponsor ask me, a short time ago. "Where do you wish to be tomorrow--in 3 months--in one year--in 2 years.? Not for anyone else, but for you? and you alone?"
He suggested sitting down and drawing a realistic picture in my mind--and one day at a time, and one step at a time--start baby stepping towards putting that picture together.
And not involving others--just one person. Myself.
Made a lotta sense. If we dont have goals, of some kind in life-we are stuck-theres no moving. When Im not moving, I can live in yesterday, and sit in today, in a blob of "I wish stuff, and dreams" that are way out of proportion, and not really, whats real.
There has to be a realistic plan.
All my life --Ive been one of those people that put myself out there for others. Ive never really put myself out there, just for me.
Got those goals on paper today. Know they are attainable, and where I want to be.--in days or months ahead.
Iver always been one to involve others, in any pictures, made for tomorrow--and involving others, involves having expectations of others--and those expectations always went for a crap.
If others are in the picture--great. But its also a live, and let others live their own dreams, and be in their own pictures, and have their own goals. We can be there for others in our lives, with love, and share our lives with others, but we hafta live ours, and live with us first.
Something like our program. We share our experience strength and hope with each other--but we hafta work our own programs individually--while supporting and holding hands, with those around us.
Its 40f in Ontario Canada--and all I know for sure is, --2 more winters and this kid is getting the H outa here. Theres gotta be more to life, than shovelling snow.:) and building igloos. Baby Steps.
You guys have a nice day!!
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..