True love is not a bargain made, and not a thing to deal or trade. For love's a gift that has no strings, as free as songs the bluebird sings
Unconditional Love seeks only to give, and expects nothing in return. When there are no expectations, there can be no disappointments or hurts. When we can give Love freely, secure in the belief that we can never deplete the infinite Source which replenishes us constantly, then we can be free of the fear of not getting love from others. And then we can be free of the fear of having our love be rejected or not returned.
The love you get is equal to how much love you let come to you.
When we realize that we cannot run out of Love no matter how much we freely give away, then we do not have to fear that someone will take too much or take it and not give any back. When we realize that they cannot steal our love, because we're willing to give it away, we can realize that we have become invulnerable to all the hurt and pain we feared when we were trying to limit our Love and thus block our supply from the endless Source. There is no way to lose by giving Love freely and unconditionally, and there is nothing to fear! There is only Love and the joy or bliss Love brings as it flows through us and out to those we shine our Love upon
Romance is yearning to possess; true Love gives all, and nothing less.
Of course, this Love is not the false kind of self-serving "love" which has been the source of so much pain and sorrow for so many. "Love hurts" is an untruth. What hurts is our resistance to real Love, or mistaking a self-seeking false love for Unconditional Love. Real Love has no fear or guilt attached to it!
In fact, fear is the exact opposite of Love. If there is any fear in the love you seek or the love you give, it is not real Love at all, but an emotional barter game. Love has to be freely and unconditionally given away, or it is not really Love. Love is a Gift you give, and real Gifts have no strings attached, no payback expected. Love is what you give even when you appear to be getting nothing back. Real Love is like the Love a mother gives to her newborn baby.
But how will you get Love if you only give it away? If you think about the getting instead of the giving, you will not be giving or getting real Love at all, for real Love expects nothing but to give. But if you extend loving-kindness or caring freely and without expectation or condition, without need or greed - simply because you care for the well-being of a fellow human being or delight in the loveliness of his being - then and only then will Love flow through you and bring the joy of giving, which is much greater than the joy of receiving.
Results of giving just to get: expectations seldom met.
If you really examine how you felt when you truly loved someone, you will see that the greatest joy came not from how they loved you, but from how you loved them. Now, the nice thing about loving unconditionally is that when you truly do give Love, you attract Love from others who are also willing to give Love freely. And that is the kind of real Love you do want to attract, not the false love that "hurts".
A universal law is expressed in the saying, "Like attracts like." Those who will give Love attract those who will give Love; while those who fear to give Love attract those who fear to give Love (and will play those hurtful emotional barter games which they think is "love"). There is no need for trading or dealing - Love just comes naturally! To see how it works, you only have to truly try to love unconditionally... "without strings", without expectations.
Open the blocks to Love that we begin building from the first time we expected Love and did not get what we expected. That was when we began to believe that we must be unworthy of being loved; or when we began to build up anger because we believed we should be loved and were not being given what we thought should be given. Once we open to Love and let it flow from the Source of our being, we no longer need to expect anything, for we have all we need already. And we will see that we can give and give, and still have more than we could ever give away.
Open our hearts and become loving beings who love ourselves and love others equally. When we love we cannot fear, for Love removes fear as Light removes darkness. When we open our hearts to Love, we become stronger. We become less vulnerable to all the forms of fear which our blocks to Love were mistakenly set up to shield us from.
But the blocks were actually built from Fear itself, so they kept us surrounded by fear! Eventually we will understand that Fear is not real, but is only the absence of Love. It is no more real than darkness, which is only the absence of Light. The Sun does not stop shining; it only appears to be dark when something keeps us from seeing the light. Love does not stop flowing, but only appears to be missing when we create those blocks which keep us from seeing it and accepting all the Love that would naturally flow through us.
The lack of Love is an illusion we fool ourselves into believing is true. When the storm clouds part we can see the Sun shining, and remember it was sending light even when we believed it was gone. When we brush away the veil of illusion, we will see and feel the Truth - that Love is always present and available in unlimited supply.
"The power to love is God's greatest gift to man, for it never will be taken from the blessed one who loves."
Love will always drive out Fear, as Darkness flees when Light comes in
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..
A line from an old Beatles tune kept playing in the back of my head as I was reading this.
"And in the end,
the Love you take,
is equal to the Love you make!"
I think it was George Harrison who wrote that one. I believed then, as I do now, that it meant that the more love you try give away freely, the more it will come back to you.