Hi Folks ... been away from the group for a while and just wanted to say I'm still alive and sober. I could probably use more than the one or two meeting a week I've been getting to ... but other than that life is wonderful. I never would have thought life could be be this good by putting down the drink and embarking on a program of change. I really thought I couldn't change. The fact seems to be (for me) that I couldn't change until I put away the drink. There have certainly been ups and downs but I think the trend will be upward if I stay away from that first drink. This March will be 15 years without one... a day at a time.
Anyway.. I was looking through some previous posts trying to catch up on things.
CH Chris .. I sure am glad you're back with us. I haven't tried to test the waters myself but I really think it's simply been the grace of God that's kept me from doing so. From all I've heard over the years, it seems one never knows how a drink may try to work it's way back into you. That's why I need to get to more meetings. My tendency is to become a bit of a recluse. The fact is I need other sober people to help me stay sober. I'm trying to look at meetings not as what I'll get from them but what I can give.
Got your passport photo. Very cool! Ya know, I actually spent 3 weeks in China a couple of years ago, traveling from Hong Kong to Chung King (or tshuntshin, as close as I can pronounce it), and finally going down the Yangtze river on a riverboat for 4 days, to Shanghai. Damndest thing is I did it all sober! So glad I did, because it is a memory that I wouldn't want to have lost to alcohol.
Thanks guys. Was checking the previous posts again ... u OK Phil ? Or has life just been doing it's thing? My "Daily Word" for today was: Pray for Others I pray for you, affirming the truth of God's blessings for you. We may have felt as if a challenge could overwhelm us until we turned to God, affirming an answer to our prayer would be revealed. Yet often we discover the answer to our prayer, to every prayer, is that we are never alone in any situation. We are one with the spirit of God and with all other children of God. And as we pray for others, affirming the truth of God's blessings for them, we know this is the truth about us also. On this day, we set aside a few moments to picture a person ready to receive blessings from God. There is a palpable response within us to the activity of Spirit in every fiber of our beings. As we pray for and with other children of God, we bless them and we are blessed.
Howdy Hanuman, It has been awhile since you checked in. I'm glad to hear all is well. We do need you here and I know the f2f meetings will help you and you can help others. We can't keep what we don't give away my friend.
Hey guys, I just had to come back and add to this post , I was totally lost when I read the comment about the passport photo, then read the old Hippie post. Now I get it....