It's being such a horrible weekend for me! I am getting really upset. It's been raining here and the ceiling has been leaking in the bedroom, and it just all caved in, and some fell on my bed. I have a nasty landlord, who only got mad cuz I called him on the weekend. I feel angry, afraid, sad, tired, frustrated; but I'm trying not to go on a wet or a dry drunk. I'm trying to handle it sober.
I need to talk. *takes a few deep breaths* *cycles through the Steps* *tries to remember the slogans*
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
Hey Amanda, Living life on lifes terms, leaking ceilings, nasty landlords...I'm sorry you had a bad weekend.I have faith that you can get through this and stay sober. Keep venting, we're here, and we'll listen. Keep after that landlord until it's fixed.
hey amanda,.....geeez i am so sorry leaking ceiling!!! that sucks!!!! but like they say "this too shall pass" i know, friend , it is hard to surrender sometimes, its hard to accept unacceptable situations....i have been there and done that.....and when the s*** keeps hitting the fan, i LOOK for stuff to be grateful when my truck had electrical problems.....NOTHING in the back would light up....i was fixing to get a ticket for violation of safety.....than when i couldn't find what was wrong.....failed my safety inspection, i threw up my hands , and i know this isn't supposed to be very good, but i TOLD teh negative forces, that i was going to turn this over to my *Christ within* and they could fight my HP, i was giving it OVER!!! and than i told my HP *i cast this burden over to you* and i just said to hell with it......hurrican katrina hit and i got out my gratitude list....i had a truck with messed up lights, but i had a home/ food/ utilities/ didn't have to abandon my beloved pets./ i was OK....screw the day i found out where my short was!!! i found it.....fixed it....went my merry way, being GRATEFUL and being willing to say * i give this UP*......
i pray that you get this resolved PRONTO!!!! your friend in recovery, rosie
I've been a landlord for years and drunk or sober never treated anyboby like that,or let something go to that point.
Start looking for a new place.--just a suggestion--If he's that bad who needs it. I worked in the rain the other day trying to get a oil tank/furnace problem fixed for a new tenant. Not even one of my long term ones. I know your venting, but sounds like u have an Ahole for a landlord. Stay sober and think! I have a bunch of my own stuff broke down, but still took care of my tenant. Good luck This will pass!!--Turn him in for code violations--suggestion only. Be ready if u do.