I haven't been able to attend any meetings in the past week because of work and everything else.
I feel myself trying to make excuses to drink. I DJed a party tonight and had a lot of intoxicated folks in my face all night. Many offered to buy me a drink. I said "sure, a Pepsi or Coke would be nice." Some seemed taken aback- "Whattaya mean ya don't drink- what's a matter wit ya"
I would not eloborate that I am an alcoholic. I know it would have led to an arguement.
I guess I kept thinking of all the "sore heads" tomorrow morning. I'm glad I won't be one of them
Awesome! Sounds to me like you were thinking the drink thru.
I've heard AA's share that the desire to drink has come over them during a devasting situation, i.e. death of a loved one, divorce, car accident of a friend, etc. I've only experienced the breakup of a 2+ yr relationship in sobriety, but found that drinking at it has been the last thing on my mind. Triggers for me are people and places. I can no longer eat at my favorite Mexican joint because I associate that with Dos Equis Dark beer. I haven't been to my best friend of 25 yrs home in months because going there always meant picking up a case of Bud Light on the way.........
My sponsor says what others think of me, is none of my busines.
Get yourself to a meeting ASAP. Again, WAY TO GO!
-- Edited by Doll at 07:12, 2005-10-09
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *
One of the best lines I have for folks who don't want to take "no" for an answer, when they want to "have just one drink" with them, is to say, "Sorry, doctor's orders!" I never bother to tell them that the doctor is Dr. Bob.
If any of them press for more info on the medical problem, I just say, "Oh, it's just a small thing, but it will get better if I go for a while without drinking." Never have to say how long a while is, either. Surprising how most are sympathetic that "poor you" have been forced to forego the fun of damaging your liver, kidneys and brain cells with elhyl alcohol for the evening!