It's good to be here... Thanks for the warm welcome. For those of you who'd like to know a little more about me there is a link in my profile which will provide you with a little more detail.
Welcome Marc! Any friend of Larry's is a friend of mine!
Another old coot from Florida? Sheesh. You fit right between Dean and Larry. I jest. Ya'll are nowhere near Raisinhood.
I have a friend in Tampa whose son went in for liproscopic heart surgery last week (the kid is 14) and being the lovingly cynical prick that I am, I pointed out to him... "Scott. Next to The Mayo Clinic, John's Hopkins and Dartmouth you are in THE BEST place for heart surgery! Not only do heart surgeons in Florida get more practice...the schools get more cadavers!"
Here in Iowa nobody retires to Florida. The stubborn Norwegian farmers keep working until they become the new scarecrows.
That is a new one on me, what'sa Raisinhood? Ya know Rob... After reading your stuff I feel that I can post just about anything on here. Thanks man, you made my day.
-- Edited by MarcLacroix on Sunday 8th of August 2010 07:42:08 PM
Well thanks for the compliment and it's nice to know someone besides me likes the thing.
I put many hours(and some allnighters) into that Stupid HobbySite. :)
Good for you, after my prostate cancer, mine have nearly disappeared, along with any, uh, uh romantic desires ... the radiation and hormones I had did them in ...
Oh well, I'm still alive and sober, and that's something I guess ... I do have some good memories however, LOL ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Revisiting to check and see if my first post on this forum still existed. I was happy to see it does. I suppose it left a lasting impression. If you ask me to sponsor you then be prepared to do some real work... I guess that is why no-one has asked me. :)
-- Edited by MarcLacroix on Friday 14th of October 2016 07:25:26 PM