Only with winter patience can we bring The deep desired, long-awaited spring --Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Family life requires patience. We probably realized that a long time ago. The Greek origin of the word patience is pathos, which means "suffering." In our lives together, we often suffer. Life is full of bumps and scrapes, both physical and emotional. In our search for greater family unity and harmony we need to realize that we will not be able to escape all suffering. This is why we need patience. It is a form of love. When we suffer the bumps and scrapes and still have faith something good will come of it, we are living out our love. From this winter- patience we will surely find a reward.
I am being very patient with this drop-kick DVD salesman who still hasn't sent my kids Christmas present, paid for in November.
Tis a good thing he lives a long way away, or he would find out just how difficult it is for alkies to remain patient, when 99.9% of the world is trying to do "the right thing by people" and this DVD salesmen thinks he's exempt from such endeavours.
Impatience, like all things human, is the result of interactions. I just wish I'd never interacted with him in the first place. Coulda just gone to K-mart... and saved myself a whole heap of "Ok, Just be patient...." self talk
acceptence--everything happens in god's world just the way it is suppose to!!! Why do I not like it??? A lesson learned??? WHAT I ASK??? My patience was alittle low yesterday. Today is a new day all is well so far. Have a great day ALL