In approaching the alcoholic, we have tried hard to capitalize on our one great natural advantage. That is, of course, our personal experience as drinkers who have recovered. --Bill W., co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous
The Wounded Healer
Consider the following situations. A person born with a cleft palate becomes a surgeon specializing in the repair of cleft palates. A stutterer who corrects his problem becomes a speech therapist. A recovering alcoholic now works as a drug rehabilitation counselor. These individuals are living the story of the wounded healer -- people who use the understanding gained in their own healing to assist others with the same problem.
A modern example of the wounded healer can be seen in the life of Bill W., the co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous [AA]. Faced with an illness over which he was powerless, Bill W. joined forces with Dr. Bob Smith to create a society of fellow sufferers. Since its inception in 1935, AA has become a source of healing and inspiration to millions of alcoholics around the world. The immensity of Bill W.s suffering was redeemed by the infinite good that it accomplished.
Because we all suffer spiritual, emotional, mental, or physical wounds, each of us has the capacity to be a wounded healer. Think back to times that you have been most effective in helping others. You will no doubt find that the wounds you helped to heal were the very same ones that you once overcame in yourself.
Thus, if you are dealing with a wound in your life right now, realize that one day your hurt will be a healing balm for another wounded soul. For this, give thanks.
Thanks, Rick. One thing that I stress in the rooms is that there is a difference between a bunch of sufferers who get together for a pity party and to hang around with other messed up people,,, and a group of people giving mutual support and encouragement on the recovery journey. So I always introduce myself as - "I'm amanda, a gratefully recovering alcoholic". The program works if you work it, so work it cuz you're worth it. Thank God for His merciful Love.
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
A guy opened up the other day at a meeting. His first words being an acoholic s--ks. I thought on the way I would throw in gratitude if there was no topic. When he made the statement i thought how grateful I was. Of course I can remember days when I thought how can people say they are GRATEFUL!! I guess it's growing