There are quite a few new posts her I want to take time to read and respond to later this evening. Welcome if you are new and reading this. I only have time for a quick note. I just feel like I need to reach out for moment before going to a party after I shut this computer down. It's a family/friend party. There will be a lot of drinking. I've been having those impulses more lately because of visitors we have in our house that drink a good deal (they're on vacation, so, no judgement on them), but it's been an interesting experience for me and I have been feeling unexpected desires to drink. Fotunately they are not founded on emotions, so they are easier to shut down then if their roots were in emotional drama. I've been having more of those drinking dreams. It's quite confusing. Anyway, there is going to be some good alcohol at this party. I'm going to stick to soda, coffe, water, and not drink alcohol. I'm an alcoholic. I will not drink.
Good luck. What I do now is I stop by the party or place to see everyone and the second that I feel the urge or feel tempted I tell everyone that I am exhausted and I go home. I joke around about how I must be getting old since I go to bed early ever since I quit drinking. When in reality I come home and just read up on posts on here and relax to myself. But don't feel like you have to stay somewhere especially if it will make you tempted! Let us know how it went!
"Advice is what you ask for when you already know the answer but wish you didn't"
Thank you for your responses. All good advice and feelings/thoughts that you shared with me. There were a couple of urges to drink when I saw a couple of friends I used to drink with. Those of you who suggested strategies to keep sober--good idea. I kind of fell into a strategy . . . I didn't even do it on purpose. The host asked me to be responsible for taking pictures, so for almost the entire time I was behind the camera! Man! I am so going to use that strategy as often as possible from now on! Thanks again for your words of support and wisdom . . . I'm going to settle into a writing assignment with my coffee now . . . and check back in later to read the new posts. Laura