The Big Book says "If we were to live we had to be free of anger. The grouch and the brainstormwere not for us. They may be the dubious luxury of normal men but for the alcoholic these things are poison." I've been sober for forty days now and my moods still change constantly. I've been jubilantly happy very sad and angry all in the same afternoon, as for anger or irritabilty if you're stuck in it and there is no reason that would be part of withdrawal ride it out it'll pass soon. If you do some soul searching and decide there is something concrete behind it decide what you can do to change it if anything or pray for acceptance. I use the serenity prayer several times per day. I hope that helps take care
ps if you're not reading the big book start
i don't know how to post a link in here but thats an adress to the big book online in case you don't have one
Obsession with self in these matters is a dead end; attention to God leads us out into the open, into a spacious, free life. Romans 8:6 , The Message
Tipsy I really do not know what to tell you I am sorry... I have been feeling the same way. I went to the gym and let go of some things... It felt pretty damn good. I did not know what was bothering me completely but a good workout helps!! Maybe try writing somethings down and try to solve one thing at a time that is bothering you. Very cliche but it does help!! try smiling even when you don't want to... fake it til you do it! ha
"Advice is what you ask for when you already know the answer but wish you didn't"
Yep i'm real cranky too, Got a trapped nerve in my neck and restricted movement so had a good ol nagging bitch at hubby before he went out this morning about household chores. God it pisses me off as he stands around drinking coffee smoking cigarettes hand on his crotch or scratching his ass whilst i run around fetching breakfast washing children and dressing them fetching down the dirty laundry etc etc etc........ POOR ME
Texted hubby to say i was sorry and i'm just grumpy because my neck hurts and i'm not sleeping that well. That felt better, god how i wish i could nip it in the bud though !
Well, now see, tipsy and alligot, the thing is that our big coping method for dealing with frustrations was to drink. Now that we are not drinking, and here come life's frustrations we lack the healthy coping skills to solve these problems. That 's where the line between getting dry and true recovery is. We go on 'dry drunks' when we are not on wet drunks, until we change our stinking thinking that got us drinking to more constructive ways to deal with life.
Time to seriously start the Steps and learn the principles and slogans and stuff. Do you have the 'Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions' book? Get one.
love in recovery,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
Yep got the 12 and 12, just need to get myself back to meetings and doing the work i have been avoiding. Think i understand the program it is my application that sucks . I can't finish anything and when you stay away from meetings it doesn't take long to convince myself you are all brainwashed fools MY STUFF i'll get past it and keep you posted of progress.
Lets not forget, we all have bad days. We get irritated, frustrated.... yeh even angry as hell. Thats cause we are human. Life aint a bed of roses EVERY day. What we learn is how to get through those days without drinking. And yes, in the beginning... there's lots of days like that as our emotions and senses are trying to get a balance again. Three months of days like that for me actually, when I got sober. But the good news is that those days get fewer and further between, and seem less catastrophic as time goes by. Stay focused on your program and your meetings... meet with your sponsor alot. every day if you need to. Make alot of meetings, and do what folks suggest. Get together with other folks in the program and have lunch or go for a bite after meetings. And do not drink today. best wishes...
My warranty on tomorrow has run out. My guarantee on the past is void. Nothing is going my way... and I like it like that.