I've been feeling so much anxiety throughout this but I really don't think it's a symptom of anything - It's just a practical reaction to what's happening...
The worst part about this whole ordeal is not having any life insurance - The answers are out there they're just not within practical financial reach for me...
I talked to a doctor and he said I should be fine but that's just after a brief ten minute conversation... I'm just really unsure what all the tests I'll soon go through of my own voilition (not doctor reccomendation) will reveal...
Like I said in my other topic I really hope I haven't found the piece of straw that broke the camel's back... The doctors' words somewhat eased my mind but there's still something weird with my stomach going on...
Hopefully this passes without incident and I can try to "improve" my life (whether it's an improvement remains to be seen but my current health seems to have forced me into it)...
I also work nights and nobody's ever awake except my brother who's constantly drunk so that doesn't help much - When you're all alone in this it's really disconcerting...
Hi Pookistan, By life insurance, do you mean health insurance? I agree that it can be overwhelming when living without health insurance . . . the costs really rack up. -Laura
Personally speaking......if you read my reply to your previous post you know by his choice AH left and we are separated. When he did, he also quit one job that had very good benefits.....insurance. That left me to fend for self. At the time the job I had "offered" health, however, the wages would have been eaten up just to pay for it. I was there for only a year. Moved on to my current job. The benefits are better in that the co. pays premium. I have to pay whatever the deductible is. Reading my response to your other post, it was told that cancer was confirmed. That occurredonly 6 mos after starting. From the onset through surgery and post op. care those little 20%'s owed yes added up. I literally, had to prioritize which ones to eliminate first or to pay towards elimination. Everyone wanted theirs NOW. Though there was money going out in payments, literally, could not handle payments toward each at the same time. On 2 occasions was served papers.........and judgements made to garner wages. So the former bills being paid had to be put off/kept at bay. At times I "thought" I would never see the end of it all yet I kept plugging away. I won't say it was easy........ Kept praying and praying and praying. Even WITH health ins. one can find themselves in these situations and yes feel overwelmed. Light comes though. I can smile now. (It took almost 3 years til they were ALL paid.) Never let the garnished wages bother me just had to reprioritize, yet I did it. Hang in there. As the old saying goes, "God never gives us more than we can handle." Sometimes when one is faced with such it is that He is possibly trying to get one's attention for something else or for a specific reason. This has become something over the years I personally have thought about and learned. Only you can answer that. Answers to some of our lifes problems are there, yet at times we either ignore or overlook them. Sometimes they aren't readily given even though we try very hard to find the solutions. One just has to sort of go with the flow and bear it, however, solutions do come......
"I really don't think it's a symptom of anything - It's just a practical reaction to what's happening"
"When you're all alone in this it's really disconcerting"
One, your "self diagnosing" yourself, and your not qualified given what little you know about alcoholism and it's effects... And two, who says your alone?
It sounds like you are the kind of person who wants to excell... one who has the urge to become an expert at things he's interested in... perhaps you should look into AA now, and learn all you can... become an expert on this. I may come off a bit gruff now and again, but Im not always a jerk ... I care about ya, and I want to give you the benifit of honesty.
My warranty on tomorrow has run out. My guarantee on the past is void. Nothing is going my way... and I like it like that.